2001annualreportChapter 1 Identifying People Who Are Exposed to Hazardous SubstancesOverview of Public Health Assessment FindingsHealth ConsultationsFigure 3: NPL Status of Fiscal Year 2001 Health ConsultationsArrow Stone Park, MontanaExposure InvestigationsAmerican University (Spring Valley), Washington, D.C.Eureka Mills, Eureka, UtahResponding to Spills and Other Emergency EventsResponse to the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001Indoor Air SamplingEmergency OperationsResidential Area Air and Dust Sampling Locations Lower ManhattanResponse to Elemental Mercury Spill, Honolulu, Hawaii'02-0592 2001 Annual Report.indd' by Unknown - Page 35 of 88ATSDR's Primary Partners in Conducting Toxicologic ResearchChapter 2 Evaluating Relationships Between Hazardous Substances and Health: Toxicologic ResearchPreparation of Toxicological ProfilesATSDR's Substance-Specific Applied Research ProgramIndustry Testing Through EPAResearch Program of the Minority Health Professions FoundationMixtures Assessment and Research ProgramComputational Toxicology ProgramAlaska Traditional Diet ProjectAlaska Traditional Diet Project-continueATSDR's Primary Partners in Conducting Health StudiesChapter 3 Evaluating Relationships Between Hazardous Substances and Health: Conducting Health StudiesExamples of Health StudiesMortality from Asbestosis in LibbyConfirmation of Asbestos-Related Abnormalities Among Patients from Libby, MontanaAsbestos RegistryPrevalence of Adverse Health Outcomes in Residents of the Area Surrounding the Former Feed Materials Processing Center at Fernald, OhioImpact of Ambient Hydrogen Sulfide and Total Reduced Sulfur Levels on Hospital Visits for Respiratory Diseases in Dakota CityHazardous Waste Worker SurveillanceHazardous Substances Emergency Events Surveillance (HSEES)Hazardous Substances Emergency Events Surveillance (HSEES)-continueHazardous Substances Emergency Events Surveillance (HSEES)-continueATSDR's Primary Partners in Preventing Health Effects Related to Hazardous SubstancesChapter 4 Preventing Health Effects Related to Hazardous SubstancesFigure 1. Location of Fiscal Year 2001 Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty UnitsHealth Education Activities for CommunitiesHealth Promotion Activities at SitesFallon, NevadaATSDR's Health Education and Promotion PartnershipATSDR's Health Education and Promotion Partnership-continueRisk Communication and Research ActivitiesAppendix A: Sites at Which ATSDR Conducted Activities in Fiscal Year 2001Appendix A. ContinuedAppendix A. ContinuedAppendix A. ContinuedAppendix A. ContinuedAppendix A. ContinuedAppendix A. ContinuedAppendix A. ContinuedAppendix A. ContinuedAppendix A. ContinuedAppendix A. ContinuedAppendix A. ContinuedAppendix B: Toxicological Profiles Prepared in Fiscal Year 2001Appendix C: ATSDR Resources on the InternetAppendix C. Continue