of special concern to ATSDR. Interaction pro-
Examples of
significant new findings from the
files are prepared for simple mixtures of 4 to
program in fiscal year 2001 include the follow-
6 chemicals. ATSDR's interaction profiles for
chemical mixtures are intended to provide cur-
Males may be affected more severely by
rent toxicological information on mixtures of
short-term exposure to polycyclic aromatic
hazardous chemicals and information on public
hydrocarbons than females are.
health implications resulting from exposures to
Exposure to low doses of mercuric chloride
these mixtures around hazardous waste sites.
results in adverse effects on fertility and
Interaction profiles are written based on the
reproduction. However, effects are lessened
Guidance for the Preparation of an Interaction
in succeeding generations.
Profile. This document--also finalized in fiscal
Males and females may have reduced repro-
year 2001--is intended to ensure consistency
ductive performance when exposed to low
among all profiles in structure and in basic sci-
levels of zinc chloride.
entific concepts that are considered "state-of-
Power sanding exterior paint from old houses
the-art" in chemical mixtures research. The pro-
poses a severe health risk, particularly to
files feature brief summary data on toxicity, tox-
children, because of the release of lead-con-
icokinetics, and toxicodynamics of the single
taminated dust.
components of the mixture, data on the whole
New research findings from this program are
mixture (if available), and evaluation of the evi-
incorporated into updated toxicological profiles
dence for interactions among the mixture com-
and fill priority data needs. In addition to
ponents. They also provide conclusions, where
being the agency's primary mechanism to
possible, on the relevance of these data to public
address data gaps for hazardous substances, the
Environmental Health and Toxicology Research
Program supports the agency's efforts to address
Interaction profiles finalized in fiscal year 2001
environmental justice concerns.
are as follows:
Mixtures Assessment and
(chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, hexachloro-
Research Program
benzene, p,p'-dde, methylmercury, and poly-
chlorinated biphenyls)
waste sites are often exposed to mixtures of haz-
nated dibenzo-p-dioxins, hexachlorobenzene,
ardous substances because such sites frequently
p,p'-dde, methylmercury, and polychlori-
contain multiple chemicals. The principal aim
nated biphenyls)
of ATSDR's Mixtures Assessment and Research
1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,1-dichloroethane, tri-
Program is to develop methods for assessing the
chloroethylene, and tetrachloroethylene
joint toxicity of exposure to multiple chemicals
that are commonly found at hazardous waste
sites. The program seeks to identify pertinent
mixtures, to assess joint toxicity, and to conduct
The guidance document and four profiles were
experimental testing to fill research needs.
to be available on CD-ROM in early fiscal year
As part of the mixtures program, a series of doc-
2002. Development of several interaction pro-
uments--interaction profiles--have been devel-
files was initiated during this year, not only
oped for certain priority mixtures that are
38 chapter 2