certain asbestos-related diseases, such as meso-
Findings included indications that living within
thelioma, asbestosis, and lung cancer, are ele-
the Fernald exposure area in the past is
vated for the community. All six states will be
related to health effects on urinary system func-
using a standard protocol designed by ATSDR.
tion. Statistically significant elevations for both
The states are still gathering the data for these
kidney disease and bladder disease were noted.
sites. The seventh state, Minnesota, will be con-
Several conditions contributed to this excess,
ducting a community survey to determine the
including kidney stones and chronic nephritis
extent of the area where contaminated ore was
(inflammation of the kidneys), as well as ele-
distributed locally in preparation for conducting
vated rates for hematuria (blood in the urine)
a broader epidemiologic investigation.
and urinary strictures (narrowing of the urinary
tract). In regression analyses adjusted for age
and sex, serum creatinine levels were found to
Prevalence of Adverse Health
be increased in those living closer to the plant,
Outcomes in Residents of the
while urinary creatinine was decreased and uri-
nary microalbumin increased in those using a
Area Surrounding the Former Feed
well or cistern in the exposure area. Increased
Materials Processing Center at
serum creatinine, decreased urinary creatinine,
Fernald, Ohio, Participating in
and increased urinary microalbumin may indi-
cate kidney damage consistent with exposure to
the Fernald Medical Monitoring
Alterations in whole blood components also
University of Cincinnati Medical Center inves-
were found in FMMP participants. Those who
tigators conducted a study with funding from
had previously lived within 2 miles of the
ATSDR to determine the prevalence of nonma-
plant were found to have increased white blood
lignant health outcomes in persons who lived
cell counts, increased hemoglobulin levels, and
near the Feed Materials Production Center, a
decreased mean corpuscular volume. The sub-
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) uranium
population of FMMP participants who used a
processing plant located near Fernald, Ohio.
well or cistern was found to have increased red
This study used questionnaire data and a physi-
blood cell counts and increased hematocrit.
cal examination of participants of the Fernald
Medical Monitoring Program (FMMP). The
Other findings from these data analyses, such
data were collected at the time of the partici-
as the apparent increase in thyroid disease
pants' first medical examination upon enroll-
and the increase in alanine aminotransferase
ment in the program.
levels, require additional data and further anal-
ysis before any conclusions can be made.
Residential history data from questionnaires
Statistically significant elevations for both
were used to establish two sets of exposure cat-
goiter and "other thyroid disease" were found
egories: (1) those living near the plant (within a
with comparison to the National Health
2-mile radius) versus those living farther away
Interview Survey (NHIS) population, and for
and (2) those living in the direction of ground-
"other thyroid disease," when compared to
water runoff (south of the plant) versus other
the National
Health and Nutrition Examination
directions. Questionnaire data also were used to
Survey (NHANES) population. Excess of thyroid
identify a subpopulation of FMMP participants
disease was higher in those FMMP participants
who used a well or cistern as a drinking water
who had "ever lived" within 2 miles of the plant,
48 chapter 3