CT scans
Mortality from Asbestosis in Libby
The Usefulness of Computed
Tomography (CT) in Detecting
In a health consultation, ATSDR analyzed mor-
tality from asbestosis in Libby for 19791998.
Pulmonary Lesions Not Found by
Death certificates were reviewed for the period.
Chest Radiograph in Individuals
Mortality in Libby as a result of asbestosis
for the 20-year period was 40 to 60 times
Exposed to Asbestos (Libby,
higher than expected, as compared to Montana
and U.S. rates, respectively. Excess asbestosis-
This study is being conducted to address the
related mortality strongly indicates that histori-
community's questions about whether computed
cal exposure to asbestos in Libby was much
tomography (CT) scans are more sensitive than
greater than in other areas of Montana or the
chest x-rays in detecting asbestos-related abnor-
United States, the health consultation report
found. Mesothelioma mortality was also ele-
of CT scans for 353 participants of the Libby
vated. However, it was difficult to precisely
Medical Testing Program, conducted in the
evaluate the degree to which mesothelioma mor-
summer of 2000. They were selected at random
tality was elevated because statistics on this
from those participants for which only one
extremely rare cancer are not routinely pub-
of the chest radiograph reviewers reported an
lished at the state and national levels.
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