Ground Zero (Lower Manhattan, New York City)
Response to the Terrorist Attacks of
ATSDR emergency response staff members
received a total of 620 requests for assistance
September 11, 2001
or consultation from EPA regional offices, other
In the weeks and months following the
federal agencies, state and local agencies,
September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center
and private citizens. Of these, 54 were acute
and the Pentagon, ATSDR worked with other
events for which ATSDR provided information.
federal agencies, state and local health depart-
During these emergencies, ATSDR assisted first
ments, and other organizations to respond to the
responders in addressing the public health needs
enormous challenges of this tragedy. ATSDR
of more than 9,800 people who were potentially
staff members have assisted the response effort
affected by these accidental spills or releases.
in a variety of ways--including mapping sam-
In response to these requests, ATSDR provided
pling locations, helping to develop screening
protocols for treatment of people who were
guidelines for asbestos and other hazardous sub-
exposed to hazardous substances, evaluated
stances, sampling dust in Manhattan residences,
the health implications of spills, and provided
and speaking with groups of business owners,
action levels to protect workers and the public.
residents, rescue workers, and others in New
About one-third of the requests for assistance
York to answer their health questions.
in acute events were made by EPA. The major
emergency event occurring during fiscal year
The collapse of the towers released large
2001 was the attack on the World Trade Center
amounts of materials containing asbestos, silica,
and the Pentagon. Following are details about
gypsum, and other substances. Residents were
ATSDR's activities to assist in the response to
evacuated from their homes throughout lower
the attacks, as well as ATSDR's response activ-
Manhattan for several weeks, and those resi-
ities in two other emergencies that occurred
dents living in the area adjacent to the World
during fiscal year 2001.
Trade Center were displaced. A team of ATSDR
technical staff was formed to review and evalu-
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