ATSDR performed the soil testing at Arrow
Stone Park in September 2001, with oversight
by EPA. As a result of the sampling, the park
was determined to be safe for recreational use
by children and adults. Results of the soil sam-
pling were presented to the Powell County
Health Board.
Tranguch Site, Hazleton,
The Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH)
and ATSDR conducted a variety of public
health activities in fiscal year 2001 in response
to Hazelton, Pennsylvania, residents' concerns
about gas fumes in their homes from the
Tranguch Site, Pennsylvania
the site stemmed from a 1993 gasoline spill
from a leaking underground storage tank.
presence of the chemicals of concern in homes
Gasoline vapors continued to seep into resi-
affected by site activities. ATSDR recommended
dences through sewer main breaks and former
action levels for the chemicals of concern.
coal mines in the area, which provided a path-
As a result of ATSDR's and DOH's involvement
and recommendations for the site, EPA has
adopted health guidelines for the indoor air
uene, ethyl benzene, and xylenes.
quality of homes in the area of the Tranguch
Since March 2001, the state health department
site. EPA has also provided temporary reloca-
has assigned a nurse to the site 3 days a week to
tions for residents during construction activities,
provide consultations to residents. The state also
on the basis of recommendations from DOH.
reviewed indoor air sampling data and arranged
ATSDR and DOH will also continue to review
for blood tests for residents living near the spill.
data for homes located in the vicinity of the site
More than 400 blood tests have been performed
and make public health recommendations for
to date. On the basis of available data, results
remediation and/or additional sampling.
indicated that VOCs were not elevated in the
blood of individuals tested. In addition, in the
Exposure Investigations
spring of 2001, ATSDR and DOH visited more
than 80 households to answer health questions
Exposure investigations are conducted to gather
and provide information on the potential health
and analyze site-specific information to deter-
issues associated with the site. DOH has pre-
mine whether human populations have been
pared six facts sheets on the site and the chemi-
exposed to hazardous substances. Information
cals of concern, has participated in three public
is obtained through biomedical testing, environ-
meetings aimed at responding to the communi-
mental testing, and exposure-dose reconstruc-
ty's health concerns, and is currently conducting
tion. Biomedical testing (for example, urine
a cancer data review for the community. ATSDR
or blood samples) can show current, and
prepared a health consultation to evaluate the
sometimes past, exposure to a contaminant.
22 chapter 1