the Fountain Inn/Simpsonville area after high
management. ATSDR and SCDHEC staff devel-
levels of uranium were found in the hair of
oped informational materials for distribution to
a local resident. SCDHEC identified about 40
the local medical community. A state health
wells that had uranium concentration levels
department physician met with local physicians
above EPA's drinking water maximum contami-
to present information about health effects.
nant level of 30 micrograms per liter and rec-
Most of the uranium in the body is stored in the
ommended that residents use alternative water
skeleton, but significant amounts are also stored
sources for drinking water if their wells had ele-
in the kidney, liver, and other soft tissue. Since
vated levels of uranium. An alternative source
the pharmacokinetics of uranium in the body
has been provided while municipal water lines
are complex and not completely understood, a
are being constructed to serve the area.
follow-up exposure investigation is planned.
In April 2001, ATSDR, in conjunction with
Responding to Spills and
SCDHEC, conducted an exposure investigation
to assess and better characterize human expo-
Other Emergency Events
sure to uranium from well water in the area.
ATSDR emergency response staff members
Water samples were collected from 39 homes
provide health-related technical support to
and tested for uranium. The wells tested had
federal, state, and local responders during
been in use from 520 years. Uranium con-
emergencies involving the uncontrolled release
centrations ranged from none detected to 7,780
of hazardous substances. As resources permit,
micrograms per liter, with a mean concentration
of 521 micrograms per liter and a median con-
centration of 67 micrograms per liter.
Urine samples from 105 residents were tested
for uranium 238 one to three months after they
stopped drinking their well water. Uranium was
detected in 104 of 105 samples (limit of detec-
tion (0.004 micrograms per gram of creatinine
in the urine). The urine uranium levels ranged
from nondetected to 2.7 micrograms per gram
of creatinine. The concentration of uranium in
urine samples from 94 of 105 residents (90 %)
exceeded the 90th percentile of the national
comparison population (0.024 micrograms per
Collecting dust samples at a NYC residence after
gram of creatinine).
September 11, 2001
Chronic exposure to high concentrations of ura-
they also do time-critical consultations. ATSDR
nium in drinking water can result in the accu-
emergency response coordinators have imme-
mulation of uranium in the kidneys, which
diate access to various experts including
can damage the proximal tubules. ATSDR noti-
chemists, toxicologists, environmental scientists,
fied the participants and, if requested, their per-
and medical professionals. Site-specific consulta-
sonal physician about their results. ATSDR and
tion teams can be convened to provide support 24
SCDHEC physicians were available for con-
hours a day, usually within 30 minutes.
sultation with personal physicians about their
patients' test results and follow-up medical
chapter 1 25