soil, water, or air) is focused on where people
live, spend leisure time, or might come into
Exposure-dose reconstruction analyses use envi-
ronmental sampling information and computer
models to estimate the contaminant levels that
people may have been exposed to. The data and
information collected during an exposure inves-
tigation help determine whether people have
been exposed and, if so, the extent of the expo-
sure. The results of exposure investigations are
used to make public health decisions and to
recommend appropriate public health actions.
The focus of an exposure investigation is to
identify and test residents with the highest
potential for exposure. An exposure investiga-
tion is not intended to be a study or a complete
Soil testing
characterization of a site. Rather, it is a transi-
In January 2001, the U.S. Army conducted soil
tional activity designed to provide information
testing that documented the presence of arsenic-
that will allow ATSDR to carry out its public
contaminated soil in the playground of the
health activities more efficiently and effectively.
Child Developmental Center at the American
Follow-up activities to exposure investigations
University. Upon discovery of this contami-
may include recommendations for additional
nation, university officials relocated the Child
sampling, an epidemiologic study, medical eval-
Development Center to another area of the
uations, health education, or more rapid public
health action to reduce exposure.
Parents expressed concern over possible expo-
ATSDR conducted 29 exposure investigations in
sures to arsenic that their children may have
fiscal year 2001. Following are three examples
received while playing in the playground. In
of these investigations.
response to their concern, the District of
Columbia Department of Health requested that
American University (Spring
ATSDR conduct an exposure investigation of
Valley), Washington, D.C.
children and staff at the Child Development
During World War I, the U.S. Army conducted
chemical warfare research in the area where
ATSDR collected hair samples from children
American University in Washington, D.C. is
and staff at the Child Development Center and
now located. Chemical weapons were detonated
analyzed the samples for arsenic. The results of
during research and testing operations, and
the analyses indicated that hair arsenic concen-
chemical agents and weapons were buried in
trations were not elevated in the 28 children
some areas. The testing areas have since been
and 4 adults who participated in the exposure
developed and are now occupied by university
property and residential homes.
chapter 1 23