In April 2000, ATSDR became involved at
Pueblo Chemical Depot at the request of the
In fiscal year 1998,
U.S. Army because the community expressed
ATSDR's Pediatric
the need for health care provider training.
Community input was gathered through small
Environmental Health
meetings with community representatives.
Specialty Units received
Residents informed ATSDR that provider train-
ing on the potential health effects of the con-
a total of 14,534
taminants of concern should be preceded by
consultation calls from
community health education. During the course
of the next several months, ATSDR represen-
health care providers and
tatives established a grass-roots dialogue with
the public; by fiscal year
local residents that allowed the residents to
decide how, when, and where they would like
2001, the number had
to receive their information. The community
also made suggestions as to what type of pro-
grown to 30,581.
fessional (e.g., what discipline or credentials)
would be best to provide the education. This
knowledge was compiled into a health edu-
cation needs assessment and health education
PEHSU staff conducted a site visit and asked
action plan, which identified specific activities
the girl to walk through two other area schools,
for each of the two phases (community health
one of which had satisfactory air quality. The
education and health care provider education).
student transferred to another school on the
advice of the PEHSU and her symptoms dis-
appeared. PEHSU staff provided liaison work
and evaluations that neither the pediatrician nor
allergist alone could accomplish. PEHSU staff
worked with other families from the school and
with local and state public health officials to
resolve the indoor air quality issues.
Health Education Activities
for Communities
ATSDR's health education activities are
designed to assist communities in understand-
ing, preventing, or mitigating adverse health
effects associated with exposure to hazardous
substances. These activities include providing
information and training to health care providers
and providing information to enable people in
communities to prevent or reduce their exposure
to hazardous substances.
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