to share environmental health information and
to report on member training activities at the
state chapter level.
ATSDR has also developed health education
and promotion partnerships with tribal gov-
intended to develop a variety of environmental
health education and training programs for
health professions and tribal communities.
the Eight Northern Indian Pueblos Council, the
Saint Regis Mohawk tribe, the Indian Health
Council, the Ely Shoshone Tribe, and Nuclear
Risk Management for Native Communities.
Eight Northern Indian Pueblos Council is a
nonprofit organization composed of Tesuque,
Pojoaque, Nambe, San Ildefonso, Santa Clara,
San Juan, Picuris, and Taos Pueblos in Northern
New Mexico. The organization will continue
its community-based programs to consider the
Kids for Saving Earth and ATSDR educational
unique environmental health effects facing
American Indian children.
Phoenix, Arizona. More
than 100 participants
came from academia, private practice, and gov-
The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe's Tribal
ernment and nongovernmental institutions. The
Environmental Health Education Activities 2
workshop gave practicing pediatricians state-
program is developing a clearinghouse for
of-the-art environmental health information to
health study results from environmental health
better serve their patients and their patients'
studies conducted in the past 19 years in the
Akwesasne Mohawk community. The Indian
Health Council (IHC), Inc., is a 30-year-old
Topics included asthma, neurobehavioral prob-
consortium of nine American Indian tribes
lems, schools that cause or exacerbate illness,
in North San Diego, California. IHC will
use of herbal and folk medicine, risk com-
collaborate with health professionals from
munication, and international pediatric environ-
the University of California, San Diego,
mental health issues. AAP offered 19 hours of
Community Pediatrics Division, and the Native
credit toward the American Medical Association
American Environmental Protections Coalition
(AMA) Physician's Recognition Award. About
to strengthen the council's capacity to develop,
60 physicians received credits in the course. The
implement, and evaluate health education and
workshop proceedings will be published as a
promotion activities.
supplement to the AAP journal Pediatrics. AAP
established an electronic Safety Net list server
The Ely Shoshone Tribe has long been con-
cerned about the effects of the nuclear fallout
in Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and
chapter 4 61