Ensure that appropriate diagnostic groupings
of cases are used in cancer causation research
"Despite numerous
activities (for example, data collection and
limitations, ATSDR has
data analysis) to reflect current knowledge of
played an important role in
the multi-faceted distinctiveness of cancer as
a diagnostic category.
rebuilding state-level public
Provide improved, published assessments of
health capacity,
existing exposure databases that facilitate
more efficient determinations of their applica-
implementing a national
bility and validity.
exposure registry, and
Soil Pica Workshop
supporting numerous site-
ATSDR invited 10 expert panelists to a work-
specific tracking projects
shop to assess the current state of science on
that track populations
soil pica behavior--an issue that is relevant to
the agency's ongoing work at many sites where
exposed to hazardous
people may be exposed to contaminated soils.
The 2-day workshop focused on addressing
three key issues: the prevalence of soil pica
--America's Environmental Health Gap:
behavior, soil ingestion rates for people who
Why the Country Needs a Nationwide
exhibit this behavior, and means for identifying
Tracking Network, The Pew Environmen-
people with this behavior. Common themes
tal Health Commission, 2000
discussed throughout the workshop included the
need for clear definitions of key terms, the lack
of extensive research on the distribution of soil
to measure or estimate environmental exposures
ingestion rates, and the need for additional
among children with cancer. Having such data
research to fill data gaps.
would facilitate research into the possible links
of exposure and pediatric cancer. Many experts
The panelists defined soil pica as the recurrent
attended the workshop, including representatives
ingestion of unusually high amounts of soil (that
of the National Institutes of Health and the
is, on the order of 1,0005,000 milligrams per
National Cancer Institute, which was develop-
day). Groups at risk of soil pica include children
ing a childhood cancer registry, the Child
aged 6 years and younger and developmentally
Cancer Network.
delayed individuals. The panelists agreed that
soil pica clearly exists, but the prevalence at a
Examples of the panel's recommendations to the
given soil ingestion rate has not been adequately
National Cancer Institute included the following.
characterized. Nonetheless, noting that soil
ingestion is normal behavior among children,
Collect data for at least two points of residen-
the panelists unanimously agreed that ATSDR
tial history: (1) residence at time of diagnosis
should continue to evaluate the public health
and (2) residence at birth, so that potential
implications of all types of soil ingestion,
prenatal exposures and later exposures can be
including soil pica.
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