Some examples of ongoing studies in fiscal year
2000 include an evaluation of childhood brain
cancer at Toms River, New Jersey; an investiga-
tion of childhood leukemia and birth defects
among children exposed to contaminated
drinking water at Camp Lejeune, North Caro-
lina; and a study examining whether neurotoxic
effects and asthma are related to
sulfide exposure in Dakota City, Nebraska.
The health studies activity continues to be a
program that provides services to communities
and expands the knowledge base for public
health decisions and program development.
Following are summaries of two health studies
Testing lung capacity
ATSDR completed in fiscal year 2000.
Findings were shared with the community
Glenola, North Carolina
the state health department. ATSDR is also
A manufacturing facility in Glenola, North
providing information to local health care
Carolina, released diisocyanates and other
providers on current guidelines for diagnosis
substances during the production of polyure-
and management of childhood asthma.
thane foam. The plant was closed by state order
in 1997. ATSDR undertook an investigation to
Kidney Biomarker Study
identify children with asthma who lived near the
In 1993 and 1994, ATSDR included a panel of
facility during the period of highest emissions
kidney biomarkers in three studies of communi-
of diisocyanates. Parents of children who lived
ties living near military bases that had been
in the area were interviewed by telephone, and
included on the NPL. These test results served
the parents confirmed potential exposure for 204
as the baseline values for the follow-up study of
children; 118 of the children had respiratory
526 participants. For most of the children and
symptoms and were offered a clinical evaluation
adolescents who participated, measured eleva-
by specialists in childhood asthma. A diagnosis
tions in the kidney biomarkers had reverted to
of asthma was made for 28 of the 55 children in
normal at followup. For persons over age 20,
the study who were evaluated; asthma was
about 50% of the elevations in these biomarkers
considered possible for another 10 children. The
reverted to normal at followup.
two specialists provided recommendations for
medical care as appropriate. The information
The presence or absence of elevated biomarkers
collected was most consistent with a high
at baseline among generally healthy participants
prevalence of asthma among the community's
was not associated with the development of
children. Two children had antibodies to
early indicators of kidney disease at followup.
diisocyanates, adding to the evidence for human
However, participants who had selected health
exposure in the community.
conditions at baseline (diabetes--and to a lesser
extent--heart disease, hypertension, gout, and
The children with asthma received early diagno-
urinary tract disease) and elevated biomarkers
sis and referral, along with appropriate recom-
were more likely to show early indicators of
mendations for medical care and followup.
40 chapter 3