exposure. During fiscal year 2000, ATSDR
reviewed and accepted the conclusions of this
study. The study indicated that exposure to vinyl
chloride through two consecutive generations
did not affect reproductive performance and
fertility at any of the concentrations used in the
study up to 1,100 parts per million (ppm).
However, there were significant effects on the
liver, including increased liver weights and
hypertrophy in the parental rats.
Similarly, no developmental toxicity was
reported at any of the concentrations up to
1,100 ppm. Maternal toxicity noted as increased
kidney weights relative to the day-20 gestation
weights was reported at 100 ppm; and at 1,100
ppm maternal toxicity included increases in
both liver and kidney weights relative to the
day-20 gestation weights.
Research Program of
the Minority Health
Laboratory research
Professions Foundation
The Minority Health Professions Foundation's
Environmental Health and Toxicology Research
to a greater extent in inner city soil than in
Program is a partnership that involves minority
soil in outlying areas. These data will be
health-professions schools located throughout
useful in the development of profiles on the
the nation. A major component of the Sub-
interaction of metals in the environment.
stance-Specific Applied Research Program
(SSARP), the program is ATSDR's primary
New research findings from this program are
mechanism for filling gaps in knowledge about
incorporated into the updated toxicological
the effects of hazardous substances.
profiles and result in filling priority data needs
and fulfilling the agency's congressional
Some examples of significant new fiscal year
mandate to assure the initiation of research
when available information is inadequate. In
Children may be exposed to polyaromatic
addition to being the agency's primary mecha-
hydrocarbons (PAHs) in utero through their
nism to address data gaps for hazardous sub-
mother's inhalation of PAHs. PAHs are a
stances, the Environmental Health and Toxicol-
ogy Research Program is the only university-
Long-term exposure to PAHs results in
based research program that supports the
agency's efforts to address environmental
elevated enzyme activity that may contribute
justice concerns.
to the formation of harmful toxic reactive
metabolites and symptoms in target organs.
chapter 2 35