gram. Significant progress has been made in
2000 featured new sections on child health
filling the priority data needs. Through fiscal
issues, which are being added to all new profiles.
year 2000, ATSDR has identified 201 priority
In fiscal year 2000, 137 toxicological profiles
data needs for the top 50 hazardous substances.
were available on CD-ROM. During the year,
A total of 117 priority data needs are being
ATSDR continued a quality control project to
addressed via the mechanisms that ATSDR has
update and complete the process of placing all
implemented. In addition, 53 priority data needs
public health statements of final toxicological
have been filled. Data obtained from the re-
profiles on the agency's Internet site.
search program are used to update ATSDR
toxicological profiles and to develop health-
Fact Sheets (called ToxFAQs), containing
guidance values for hazardous substances
material drawn from ATSDR public health
evaluated in ATSDR's public health assessments
statements, have also been developed. ATSDR
conducted at waste sites. Currently, ATSDR is
now has a total of 150 fact sheets in print and
expanding its Substance-Specific Applied
posted on the Internet in HTML and PDF format.
Research Program by identifying priority data
needs for an additional 10 priority hazardous
ATSDR's Substance-Specific
substances, bringing the total number of sub-
stances with a research agenda to 60.
Applied Research Program
ATSDR is working to determine the relation-
Industry Testing Through EPA
ships between adverse human health outcomes
and hazardous substances through its Substance-
The Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976
Specific Applied Research Program. CERCLA
(TSCA) authorizes EPA to ensure that chemi-
requires that for each hazardous substance
cals are safe for their intended use. EPA places
listed, ATSDR, in consultation with EPA and
some of this responsibility on chemical manu-
other public health agencies and programs,
facturers and processors by requiring them to
assess whether adequate information is available
conduct toxicologic testing. Costs of conducting
on the health effects of the substance. Further-
this research are borne completely by the
more, the law requires that ATSDR, in coopera-
tion with the National Toxicology Program,
Substances with Some Research Needs
initiate a research effort designed to determine
to Be Addressed by Industry Testing
the health effects of those substances for which
adequate information is not available (or under
ATSDR used several mechanisms to fill priority
data needs in fiscal year 2000. These included
industry testing through EPA, private-sector
Methylene chloride
voluntarism, and academic-based research
Sodium cyanide
conducted through the Minority Health Profes-
sions Foundation. Additional research needs are
being addressed through other agency programs
including ATSDR's Great Lakes Human Health
Effects Research Program and an interagency
agreement with the National Toxicology Pro-
chapter 2 33