Eighty-one percent of transportation-related
Acids, ammonia, chlorine, and pesticides are
events occur during ground transport, 13% dur-
more frequently represented among events
ing rail transport, and 6%, combined, for other
involving victims than among total events,
types of transport. Analysis showed that al-
indicating a greater potential for harm. These
though the railroad events are not as common as
chemicals have been specifically targeted for
other types of events, they have a greater
prevention activities. Respiratory irritation, eye
potential for harm because large volumes of
irritation, gastrointestinal irritation, vomiting,
chemicals are carried by rail through residential
headache, dizziness and other central nervous
areas at times of the day when people are more
system effects, skin irritation, physical injury,
likely to be at home. Eleven percent (n=2,676)
and chemical burns were the most commonly
of events had an official evacuation ordered
reported effects. A total of 110 deaths were
ranging from 1 to more than 10,000 persons
reported. Motor vehicle collisions were likely
evacuated. Fifty percent of the evacuations
responsible for 47 of the 110 deaths. Events
involved 20 or fewer persons, and only 2%
where explosions were reported were respon-
involved 1,000 or more persons.
sible for 25% (n=16) of the 63 remaining
deaths. Almost 21% of the 63 deaths were in a
A total of 9,869 decontaminations were per-
farming-related industry.
formed at HSEES events on 2,162 employees on
scene (406 at a hospital), 5,637 first responders
States have used their data from the HSEES
on scene (259 at a hospital), and 992 members
program to prevent spills and to prevent injuries
of the general public (413 at a medical facility).
to first responders or users of chemicals that
There were 8,397 victims resulting from spills
frequently cause injury. Several instructors have
or releases at fixed facilities and 1,216 victims
updated training courses on the basis of a recent
from spills or releases that occurred while
article published in the Morbidity and Mortality
hazardous substances were being transported.
Weekly Report. The article reported data on
For both transportation and fixed-facility
injuries that first responders have suffered from
events, the population group most often injured
illicit methamphetamine drug labs.
was "employees and students" (55.9%), fol-
lowed by "the general public" (35%) and "first
Childhood Cancer
responders" (9%).
Registry Workshop
First responders, however, are the group most
ATSDR sponsored a 3-day expert panel work-
often injured in methamphetamine production-
shop that discussed what data is needed to better
related events as reported in Morbidity and
identify any possible links between childhood
Mortality Weekly Report (November 17, 2000).
cancer and children's exposure to hazardous
Of the first-responder group, professional
substances in the environment. The workshop,
firefighters, police, and volunteer firefighters
"Workshop on Environmental Exposures
were the most frequent victims of spills or
Among Children with Cancer: Current Tech-
releases that occurred at fixed facilities, and
nologies, Methodological Challenges, and
police officers were the most frequent victims of
Community Concerns," was held January 25
such events that occurred while hazardous
27, 2000. It was convened to identify and
materials were being transported.
prioritize feasible strategies for obtaining data
44 chapter 3