needed medical services in the community. The
ring makes it hard for lungs to do their job
Health Resources and Services Administration
getting oxygen into the blood. Symptoms of
(HRSA) provided a grant for a nurse to work
asbestosis include shortness of breath and a dry
with residents and designated the
crackling sound in the lungs while inhaling. The
community as being medically
chance of getting asbestosis is
underserved. The National Cancer
very small for those who do not
Institute is sharing information
work with asbestos. There is no
with the community on clinical
effective treatment for asbesto-
trials and current therapies that
sis; however, symptoms of the
are available to treat asbestos-
disease can be managed under
related illnesses.
the care of a physician. The
disease, if severe, can cause
Participants have been notified of
disability and death.
their test results. An interim
report is being prepared that will
Lung Cancer
assist the community in applying
Lung cancer causes the largest
for grants for support of clinical
number of deaths related to
services for people in need. Once
asbestos exposure. People who
completed, the information will
work in occupations involving
also be used to assist in planning
future testing, assisting EPA to
ing, and use of asbestos and its products are
identify ways in which people may become
more likely to get lung cancer than the general
exposed, and assisting clinical research about
population. The most common symptoms of
the illnesses for the benefit of people with
lung cancer are coughing and a change in
asbestos-related illnesses and their physicians.
breathing. Other symptoms include shortness of
anemia. People who develop these symptoms do
public health impact of the many sites where
not necessarily have lung cancer, but should
vermiculite was shipped for processing across
consult a physician for advice. People who have
the country. Vermiculite from Libby was
been exposed to asbestos and are also exposed
transported to plants in 30 states. Altogether,
to some other cancer-causing product, such as
there are about 300 potential sites where some
cigarette smoke, have a greater risk of develop-
vermiculite operations were located. ATSDR is
ing lung cancer than people who have been
helping to prioritize sites on the basis of poten-
exposed only to asbestos.
tial public health impact.
What illnesses are associated
Mesothelioma is a relatively rare form of cancer
with asbestos exposure?
that is found in the thin lining (membrane) of
the lungs, chest, abdomen, and heart. Several
hundred cases are diagnosed each year in the
Asbestosis is a serious, progressive, long-term
United States, and most cases are linked with
disease of the lungs. It is not cancer. It is caused
exposure to asbestos. About 2% of all miners
by inhaling asbestos fibers that irritate lung
and textile workers who work with asbestos,
tissues and cause the tissues to scar. The scar-
and 10% of all workers who were involved in
42 chapter 3