Figure 1. Location of FY2000 Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units
NY City
San Francisco
Washington DC
an impact on the field of pediatric environ-
gas company, the EPA, and the Illinois Poison
mental health as a potential medical
Center for health and clean-up information. The
Poison Center referred the family to the Cook
County PEHSU. The family, which included an
the development of a body of published
8-week-old infant, was evaluated. Shortly after
articles, curricula, and educational materials.
that two other families were evaluated: a second
family with two small children and a third
The number of PEHSU activities has increased
family with a preteen son. These families had
since the units were established. In fiscal year
potential exposures and health concerns similar
1998, 123 children were evaluated in PEHSU
to those of the first family.
clinics; by fiscal year 2000, 929 children were
evaluated. In fiscal year 1998, the units received
The director of the Cook County PEHSU met
a total of 14,534 consultation calls from health-
with city officials and helped develop a plan to
care providers and the public; by fiscal year
address the community health concerns. A local
2000, the number had grown to 30,643. The
health center was used to coordinate the collec-
number of health professionals reached with
tion of medical and exposure histories and urine
education or training was 672 in fiscal year
specimens. The PEHSU developed a screening
1998. In fiscal year 2000, the number of health
tool to assist local hospitals and clinics in
professionals reached was more than 8,580.
determining individual mercury exposure and
the appropriate medical followup.
The Cook County PEHSU took an active role in
ATSDR's response to potentially widespread
By September 2000, it was recognized that
more than 500,000 homes scattered over north-
mentioned previously in Chapter One. On July
eastern Illinois were potentially affected.
20, 2000, a suburban Chicago homeowner
Throughout this time, the PEHSU worked
discovered elemental mercury in his basement
closely with the Illinois Department of Public
after the removal of an indoor natural gas meter
Health, ATSDR, and EPA. Because of already
that was equipped with a mercury pressure
existing working relationships, the PEHSU and
regulator. The homeowner contacted the local
these agencies were able to share information
48 chapter 4