Jewish Medical and Research Center in Denver,
Colorado, developed a training program for
health care providers in Libby and Kalispell,
Montana. The training was held on September
18 and 19, 2000. It was developed with the
assistance of pulmonologists from the center
and a Spokane physician.
Grand rounds were held at the hospital in
Kalispell on September 18; 48 physicians,
nurses, and physician assistants attended. The
objectives of the presentation were to review the
epidemiology and pathogenesis of nonmalignant
lung disease from exposure to tremolite asbes-
tos, and to discuss the clinical manifestations
and diagnosis of nonmalignant asbestos-related
lung diseases.
Evening training sessions were held in Libby on
September 18 and in Kalispell on September 19.
The session in Libby was attended by 14
physicians, nurses, and physician assistants; the
Developing GIS data
Kalispell session was attended by 26 partici-
Health Promotion
pants. The objectives of the evening presenta-
tions were to review the purpose of screening
Activities at Sites
evaluations for asbestos-related lung diseases
Health promotion supports three key goals:
and discuss appropriate diagnostic followup of
prevention (proactive actions to prevent the
screening abnormalities, to identify practical
adverse effects of hazardous substances),
approaches to medical management, and to
intervention (actions to diminish or eliminate
generate a dialogue about education and risk
adverse consequences of exposure to hazardous
communication strategies for patients with
substances), and capacity building (actions to
asbestos-related diseases. The presentations
strengthen existing public health infrastructures
included didactic and interactive case-based
to enhance environmental health services for
affected communities). Following are two
ATSDR has also been active in trying to assist
examples of sites where ATSDR conducted
the community in improving its access to
health promotion activities in fiscal year 2000.
needed medical care.
Health Promotion Activities in
Health Promotion Activities in Ottawa
Libby, Montana
County, Oklahoma
One of the sites at which ATSDR conducted
ATSDR worked with Ottawa County public
health promotion activities in fiscal year 2000
health officials to create a Lead Poisoning
Prevention Program to address concerns of
with the Association of Occupational and
residents living near the Tar Creek Superfund
Environmental Clinics through the National
chapter 4 51