and coordinate efforts to effectively address
public health concerns. The PEHSU director
participated in seven televison interviews, a
radio interview, and two newspaper reports. The
Illinois Department of Public Health established
a telephone hotline to refer health-related
questions to the PEHSU.
Health Education Activities
for Communities
ATSDR's health education activities are de-
signed to assist communities in understanding,
preventing, or mitigating adverse health effects
associated with exposure to hazardous sub-
stances. These activities include providing
information and training to health-care provid-
ers and providing information to enable people
in communities to prevent or reduce their
Exam at a Pediatric Environmental Health
exposure to hazardous substances.
Specialty Unit
For example, ATSDR coordinated a one-day
training program in fiscal year 2000 for employ-
Culturally sensitive health education materials
ees of the Memphis (Tennessee) Shelby County
were developed to better inform the community
Health Department (MSCHD). The program
on the status of the health evaluation process.
included information on ATSDR's public health
These materials included a site-specific fact
assessment and review of cancer incidence.
sheet, Juncos Landfill, Juncos, Puerto Rico, in
Approximately 15 health department staff
English and Spanish and a flier that explained
members participated in the training. The purpose
the purpose of ATSDR's visit to the community
of the training was to build capacity within the
as part of the process of conducting an exposure
MSCHD to respond to environmental health
investigation. ATSDR translated various materi-
concerns related to the Memphis Defense Depot.
als for the community into Spanish, including
consent forms, fact sheets, and letters explaining
ATSDR is also working with a community
the purpose of ATSDR's visit in November 1999
located next to an old sanitary landfill in Juncos,
to conduct an exposure investigation.
Puerto Rico. ATSDR has been active in assess-
ing the needs of the residents and providing
Educating Health
health education for the community. During
fiscal year 2000, ATSDR health educators
Professionals Nationwide
participated in two public availability sessions,
ATSDR works through a variety of mechanisms
talked to the residents about ATSDR's role,
to provide health education and information to
explained the public health assessment process,
health professionals nationally. Activities may
and explained the process of an exposure
include Grand Rounds presentations, off-site
seminars and workshops, newsletters, fact
chapter 4 49