home pathway. Exposure from past deposition
Figure 3: NPL Status of Fiscal Year 2002
from air emissions will also be investigated.
Health Consultations
Other activities planned by ATSDR include
assessing local health care providers' knowl-
edge of chronic beryllium disease.
ATSDR's involvement at the site has facilitated
stakeholders. ATSDR has engaged stakeholders
that include the community, the Ohio
Environmental Protection Agency, Ohio Citizen
Action, and Brush Wellman throughout
ATSDR's involvement with the site. ATSDR has
conducted several public meetings and avail-
ability sessions with the community and other
Following are examples of sites for which
stakeholders to develop an understanding of
the community's concerns, describe the public
provided health consultations in fiscal year
health assessment process, outline health con-
sultation findings, and recommend follow-up
actions. ATSDR will issue an exposure investi-
gation protocol as a public comment draft for
Brush Wellman, Elmore, Ohio
stakeholder review because of the intense inter-
ATSDR was asked by U.S. Senator Mike
est in community beryllium exposure.
DeWine of Ohio to investigate whether beryl-
lium air emissions and possible worker-take-
Residential Vapor Intrusions,
Elmore Plant present a health hazard to the
Hartford, Illinois
community of Elmore, Ohio. Approximately
The Village of Hartford is located in western
4,000 persons live within 5 miles of the Brush
Madison County, Illinois, between the
Wellman Plant, and more than 500 persons
Mississippi River levy and an oil refinery.
work at the plant. The plant smelts and refines
Homes nearest the refinery are within 500 feet
beryllium ore and extrudes and machines the
of the refinery property line. Oil products have
refined beryllium.
been manufactured in the area during most of
the last century, and Hartford residents have
In August 2002, ATSDR issued a health con-
been exposed to petroleum products through the
sultation that evaluated air emissions and
years from reported air emissions, spills, and
worker-take-home pathways. ATSDR concluded
oil line breaks. Also, volatile organic chemicals
that long-term air emissions from the Brush
(VOCs) have been found in soil, and a non-
Wellman Plant do not present a health hazard
aqueous layer of petroleum products (estimated
to the community. However, ASTDR did not
to be millions of gallons) currently floats on
have sufficient environmental data to determine
whether community exposures to beryllium
is about 10 feet below the surface.
may be occurring from a possible worker-take-
home pathway. ATSDR is proposing an expo-
sure investigation to evaluate the worker-take-
chapter 1 21