ATSDR conducted the first phase of an expo-
sure investigation in the Spring Valley com-
ATSDR assisted first
munity in March 2002. A total of 13 homes and
responders in addressing
individuals were tested for arsenic levels in
urine, hair and household dust. Only three of
the public health needs of
the individuals tested had reportable levels of
more than 8,100 people
The second phase of the exposure investigation
who were potentially
was conducted in the summer of 2002. At that
affected by accidental
time, a total of 22 homes and 40 individuals
were tested for arsenic levels in
urine. The
spills or releases during
purpose of the second test was to determine
fiscal year 2002.
whether people were exposed to arsenic at
levels that may pose a risk, especially during
the summer months when outdoor activities
professionals. Site-specific consultation teams
can be convened to provide support 24 hours a
The testing showed that 92% of the participants
day, usually within 30 minutes.
in this investigation had "normal" urine arsenic
values. Three people had mild elevations of
ATSDR emergency response staff members
inorganic arsenic in
their urine, but the levels
received a total of 513 requests for assistance
would not be expected to cause health effects.
or consultation from EPA regional offices, other
Participants whose urinary arsenic levels were
federal agencies, state and local agencies, and
mildly elevated were give recommendations to
private citizens during fiscal year 2002. Of
have follow-up analyses and to discuss their
these, 41 were acute events for which ATSDR
results with their personal health care providers.
provided information. During these emer-
Participants or their health care providers could
gencies, ATSDR assisted first responders in
discuss results with an ATSDR physician.
addressing the public health needs of more than
8,100 people who were potentially affected by
Responding to
these accidental spills or releases. In response
to these requests, ATSDR provided protocols for
Emergency Events
treatment of people who were exposed to haz-
ATSDR emergency response staff members pro-
ardous substances, evaluated the health implica-
vide health-related technical support to federal,
tions of spills, and provided action levels to pro-
state, and local responders during emergencies
tect workers and the public. About one-fifth of
involving the uncontrolled release of hazard-
the requests for assistance in acute events were
ous substances. As resources permit, ATSDR
made by a federal on-scene coordinator--an
emergency response staff members also do
official from either the Coast Guard or the EPA,
time-critical consultations. ATSDR emergency
depending on the location of the release.
response coordinators have immediate access to
various experts, including chemists, toxicolo-
A major national emergency event that ATSDR
gists, environmental scientists, and medical
responded to in fiscal year 2002 was the anthrax
attacks on federal postal facilities, government
offices, and news media offices. Following are
26 chapter 1