The scope of this project requires close coordi-
In the first phase, ATSDR selected priority sites
nation with other federal, state, and local envi-
for review according to the following criteria:
ronmental and health agencies. On a national
EPA required further action at the site on the
level, ATSDR staff members are involved in
several interagency work groups comprised of
The site was an exfoliation facility that pro-
experts from EPA, the Occupational Safety and
cessed more than 100,000 tons of vermiculite
Health Administration, the National Institute
ore from Libby mine. Exfoliation
of Occupational Safety and Health, the Mine
the ore) is a type of processing that is
Safety and Health Administration, and the
expected to release more asbestos than other
National Institute of Standards and Technology.
processing methods.
These work groups are focused on addressing
technical and regulatory issues regarding asbestos.
In 2002, ATSDR completed site visits for 27 of
ATSDR has worked closely with EPA regional
the 28 priority sites identified. The site visits
staff as well as state health partners to capture
included coordination meetings with state
available site information for the 244 sites and
public health partners as well as with EPA staff
conduct evaluations centered on potential expo-
in each of the 10 regions. State partners have
sure pathways and public health impacts at
committed to take the lead on the investigations
these sites. The site evaluations are progressing
in two phases.
24 chapter 1