Lower Duwamish
the various ethnic groups living in the South
Park and Georgetown communities, including
Waterway, Washington
Cambodian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Filipino,
On September 13, 2001, EPA added the Lower
Hmong, Laotian, Tongan, Hispanic, and Native
Duwamish Waterway site to the NPL. The site
American community members. Concerns and
is comprised of contaminated sediments within
opinions were also collected from environmen-
a 5-mile stretch of the Duwamish River in
state representatives, from business leaders,
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic
and from a Washington State Fish and Wildlife
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), mercury, and
Conservation officer.
other metals. The Washington State Department
of Health released a draft public health assess-
Health Consultations
ment of the Lower Duwamish site for public
comment on July 11, 2002.
Health consultations provide advice and recom-
mendations on specific, health-related questions
The public health assessment concluded that
concerning actual or potential human exposure
the consumption of shellfish, crab, resident fish
to hazardous substances or to other related
from the Lower Duwamish Waterway, and rock-
human health hazards. A health consultation is
fish from nearby Elliot Bay poses some health
often needed quickly to evaluate situations and
risk for frequent consumers. Although general
recommend immediate actions to mitigate or
advisories already existed for many of the fish
prevent harm to human health from exposure to
and shellfish species, more specific consump-
hazardous substances in the environment.
tion limits were recommended for resident fish
in the Lower Duwamish Waterway and for rock-
Consultations vary in complexity; either an
fish in Elliot Bay. In addition, crab consumers
individual health professional or a team may
were warned not to eat the hepatopancreas,
respond to a question about a site or issue. In
a digestive gland that functions as the crab's
some cases, ATSDR prepares more than one
liver and pancreas. These advisories were com-
health consultation in response to a request
municated through newspapers, public service
for help with an exposure or a potential expo-
announcements, internet postings, fact sheets,
sure. Health consultation reports, which may be
and community meetings. Fact sheets have
either written or oral, are timely; for example,
been translated into seven different languages.
an oral report might be provided on the day a
Warning signs, accompanied by educational
request reaches ATSDR.
information about the fish advisories, are to be
In fiscal year 2002, ATSDR staff members and
posted at known fishing locations.
state health assessors issued 272 health con-
The Department of Health conducted an
sultations for 241 hazardous waste sites in 41
extensive community outreach campaign in
states. In contrast to public health assessments,
conjunction with the preparation of the public
the majority (84%) were non-NPL sites and
health assessment. Outreach activities included
the minority (16%) were NPL sites (see Figure
arranging focus groups through the local health
3). Eighty-four of the health consultations
department, attending community events, par-
responded to public health concerns about man-
ticipating in river tours, and talking one-on-one
ufacturing or industrial sites.
with community leaders and community rep-
resentatives. Health concerns and feedback for
future outreach activities were gathered from
20 chapter 1