mental efforts to eliminate racial and/or ethnic
ments in fiscal year 2002--is intended to ensure
disparities in health and thus help achieve
consistency among all profiles in structure and
departmental goals in environmental justice.
in basic scientific concepts that are considered
"state-of-the-art" in chemical mixtures research.
The profiles feature brief summary data on tox-
Mixtures Assessment and
icity, toxicokinetics, and toxicodynamics of the
Research Program
single components of the mixture; data on the
whole mixture (if available); and evaluation of
the evidence for interactions among the mixture
waste sites are often exposed to mixtures of haz-
components. The profiles also provide conclu-
ardous substances because such sites frequently
sions, where possible, on the relevance of these
contain multiple chemicals. The principal aim
data to public health.
of ATSDR's Mixtures Assessment and Research
Program is to develop methods for assessing the
Interaction profiles released for public com-
joint toxicity of exposure to multiple chemicals
ments in fiscal year 2002 are as follows:
that are commonly found at hazardous waste
sites. The program seeks to identify pertinent
mixtures, to assess joint toxicity, and to conduct
found in fish--chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins
experimental testing to fill research needs.
(CDDs), hexachlorobenzene, dichlorodiphe-
nyl dichloroethane (p,p'-DDE), methyl mer-
In order to assist environmental health scientists
cury, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
and toxicologists in determining whether expo-
sure to chemical mixtures at hazardous waste
found in breast milk--chlorinated dibenzo-p-
sites may impact public health, ATSDR devel-
dioxins (CDDs), hexachlorobenzene, dichlo-
oped a Guidance Manual for the Assessment of
rodiphenyl dichloroethane (p,p'-DDE),
Joint Toxic Action of Chemical Mixtures. The
methyl mercury, and polychlorinated biphe-
guidance manual was released for public com-
nyls (PCBs).
ments in 2002. On the basis of the document,
interaction profile for 1,1,1-trichloroethane,
ATSDR has developed a pilot training program
1,1-dichloroethane, trichloroethylene, and
for health assessors who deal with chemical
interaction profile for benzene, ethylbenzene,
As part of the mixtures program, a series of doc-
toluene, and xylenes (BTEX).
uments--interaction profiles--have been devel-
interaction profile for arsenic, cadmium,
oped for certain priority mixtures that are of
special concern to ATSDR. Interaction profiles
interaction profile for copper, lead, manga-
are prepared for simple mixtures of four to
nese, and zinc.
six chemicals. ATSDR's interaction profiles for
interaction profile for cesium, cobalt,
chemical mixtures are intended to provide cur-
polychlorinated biphenyls, strontium, and
rent toxicologic information on mixtures of haz-
ardous chemicals and the public health implica-
interaction profile for arsenic, hydrazines, jet
tions resulting from exposures to these mixtures
fuels, strontium, trichloroethylene.
around hazardous waste sites.
interaction profile for cyanide, fluoride,
Interaction profiles are based on the Guidance
nitrate, and uranium.
for the Preparation of an Interaction Profile.
This document--also released for public com-
chapter 2 37