profiles developed for DOE. The profiles are
into Spanish. Twenty-five of the translated
currently being revised on the basis of relevant
ToxFAQsTM are available on the agency's
public comments received as well as newly
Spanish website.
identified studies.
ATSDR's Substance-Specific
Applied Research Program
ATSDR released nine
ATSDR is working to determine the relation-
ships between exposure to toxic substances and
interaction profiles, which
adverse human health outcomes through its
cover various chemical
Substance-Specific Applied Research Program
(SSARP). CERCLA requires that for each haz-
mixtures, during fiscal
ardous substance listed, ATSDR, in consultation
with EPA and other public health agencies
year 2002.
and programs, assess whether adequate infor-
mation is available on the health effects of
the substance. Furthermore, the law requires
Among the toxicological profiles developed in
Toxicology Program, initiate a research effort
fiscal year 2002, the profiles for pyrethrins/
designed to determine the health effects of those
pyrethroids and malathion were released as
substances for which adequate information is
drafts for public comment. Both of these pro-
not available (or under development).
files cover substances that are relevant to mos-
quito abatement efforts to control the outbreak
A major focus of the SSARP is to fill the toxico-
of the West Nile virus. These documents reflect
logic research needs the agency has identified.
the most current and relevant data available
ATSDR used several mechanisms to fill these
regarding the health hazards associated with
priority data needs in fiscal year 2002. These
exposure to these substances. The profiles will
included industry testing through EPA rule-
support public health personnel in addressing
making, private-sector voluntarism, and univer-
health concerns associated with spraying activi-
sity-based research conducted through an agree-
ties to control mosquitoes.
ment with the Minority Health Professions
Foundation. Additional research needs are being
In fiscal year 2002, ATSDR released its
addressed in collaboration with the National
ToxProfiles 2002TM which contained 159 toxico-
Toxicology Program and through other agency
logical profiles on CD-ROM. Toxicological pro-
programs, including ATSDR's Great Lakes
files are also available on the ATSDR Internet
Human Health Effects Research Program.
Significant progress has been made in filling the
Fact sheets (called ToxFAQsTM), containing
priority data needs. ATSDR has identified 190
material drawn from ATSDR public health
priority data needs for the first 50 substances
statements, were revised as appropriate based
of the SSARP. To date, 143 priority data needs
on the release of new or updated toxicologi-
are being addressed via the mechanisms that
cal profiles during fiscal year 2002. ATSDR
ATSDR has implemented, and 62 of these have
now has 159 fact sheets posted on the Internet
been filled. Data obtained from the research
in HTML and PDF formats. During fiscal
program are used to update ATSDR toxicologi-
year 2002, 87 ToxFAQsTM were translated
chapter 2 33