expected to be completed in fiscal year 2003.
ing inner-city daycares was 2.4 micrograms
Tetrachloroethylene is found in at least 902
per deciliter of blood, which is consistent
hazardous waste sites on the NPL. The chemical
with national geometric means reported by
is currently ranked No. 32 on ATSDR's Priority
CDC (2.0 micrograms per deciliter of blood
List of Hazardous Substances found at NPL
in 2000). It was determined that the best
predictor of higher blood lead levels in this
group of children was the total number of
elevated lead sources in the household rather
Research Program of the
than a correlation with levels from any single
Minority Health Professions
A study that examined the effects of bone
lead levels on blood pressure during preg-
The Minority Health Professions Foundation's
nancy found that the concentration of lead
Environmental Health and Toxicology Research
in trabecular bone is directly associated with
Program is a partnership that involves minority
increased blood pressure and an increased
health-professions schools located throughout
risk for hypertension during the third tri-
the nation. A major component of the
mester. The amount of lead in trabecular
Substance-Specific Applied Research Program,
bone represents the cumulative lead exposure
this research program provides ATSDR with a
over an extended period. Hypertension alone
major mechanism for filling gaps in knowledge
during pregnancy can result in adverse out-
about the effects of hazardous substances on
comes for both mother and fetus, and the
human health.
factors contributing to this condition are not
fully known. An increased risk for hyper-
Examples of significant new findings from
tension associated with past lead exposures
the program in fiscal year 2002 include the
would result in a greater overall risk for
adverse outcomes in pregnancy.
The number of surviving rat pups and the
An association between residential soil lead
levels of hormones necessary to maintain
content and children's blood lead in New
pregnancy were decreased when dams
Orleans previously reported in ATSDR spon-
inhaled benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) during ges-
sored research has been corroborated by find-
tation. Previous findings indicated that the
ings from a study of blood lead levels and
development of mature sperm was also
soil lead content in Syracuse, New York.
altered following BaP exposures. Further
studies will determine how reproductive
New research findings from this program pro-
function and fertility may be affected by BaP
vide critical information necessary to address
across generations.
national environmental health concerns (i.e.,
A study of the prevalence in elevated blood
fill priority data needs) and are subsequently
lead levels (levels greater than 10 micro-
incorporated into updated toxicological pro-
grams per deciliter of blood) has been com-
files. In addition to being the agency's primary
pleted. Children from lower income levels
mechanism to address data gaps for hazard-
who live in urban environments (generally
ous substances, the Environmental Health and
with a larger volume of older homes) are
Toxicology Research Program supports depart-
reported to be at higher risk for lead poison-
ing. The geometric mean blood lead level
found among urban Atlanta children attend-
36 chapter 2