cal profiles and to develop health-guidance
ATSDR and EPA have finalized information
values for hazardous substances evaluated in
to support development of a TSCA test rule
ATSDR's public health assessments conducted
for eight substances that are currently part of
at waste sites.
ATSDR's Substance-Specific Applied Research
Program. The agency has identified exposure
ATSDR has continued to expand its SSARP
and toxicity priority data needs for these 8 sub-
by identifying priority data needs for an addi-
stances, and findings for 64
chemical specific
tional 10 priority hazardous substances, bring-
toxicity tests have been written. A test rule is
ing the current total number of substances with
a legally enforceable document that describes
a research agenda to 60. The priority data needs
(1) EPA's authority to require testing, (2) the
for the 10 additional substances were published
specific testing required, (3) why it is required,
in the Federal Register, and public comments
and (4) who should conduct the testing.
were solicited. During fiscal year 2002, ATSDR
finalized these priority data needs on the basis
Publication of the proposed test rule is expected
of public comments, and a Federal Register
in 2003.
notice was prepared to announce the final list of
priority data needs, with an anticipated publica-
Private Sector Voluntarism
tion date in 2003.
ATSDR encourages chemical manufacturers
and processors to conduct needed research vol-
Industry Testing through EPA
untarily into the toxicity of priority chemicals.
The Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976
Studies conducted under ATSDR's voluntary
(TSCA) authorizes EPA to ensure that chemi-
research program are sponsored by private-sec-
cals are safe for their intended use. EPA places
tor industry groups at no expense to ATSDR.
some of this responsibility on chemical manu-
The agency accepts the voluntary research stud-
facturers and processors by requiring them to
ies and their conclusions according to the rec-
conduct toxicological testing. Costs of conduct-
ommendations of external peer reviewers who
ing this research are borne completely by the
evaluate the study protocol and final report
as well as the industry group's satisfactory
response to reviewers' comments. In total, the
Substances with Some Research Needs
activities associated with the voluntary research
to Be Addressed by Industry Testing
program are responsible for monetary savings to
the agency of more than million.
Substances with Some Research
Needs Addressed by Private-Sector
Methylene chloride
Methylene chloride
Sodium cyanide
Polychlorinated biphenyls
Vinyl chloride
34 chapter 2