Figure 3. ATSDR's FiscalYear 2000 Operating
Figure 2 contains a breakdown of ATSDR's
Budget From DOD and DOE
Superfund budget obligations, by budget
activity, for fiscal year 1995 through fiscal year
Since fiscal year 1997, ATSDR has received
Health education and
earmarked funds for work on the Toms River,
Scientific assessment, research,
New Jersey, childhood cancer evaluation
project. Toms River community members were
Surveillance, health
studies, and registries
concerned about the number of childhood
Health assessments and
cancer cases and feared that exposure to envi-
related activities
ous waste sites, including two NPL sites, were
related to the elevated incidence of childhood
Federal obligation
cancer. ATSDR is helping state health officials
assess whether there is a relationship between
Quality of Work Life Committee, which exists
to facilitate communication between staff and
water and incidence of childhood cancer.
senior management on the work-related well-
ATSDR's earmark for fiscal year 2000 for Toms
being of all ATSDR employees. During fiscal
River was
.5 million.
year 2000, ATSDR management and the Quality
of Work Life Committee initiated a series of
ATSDR is mandated by Congress to conduct
public health assessments, health studies,
such as holding informal discussion sessions
surveillance activities, and health education at
with the agency's assistant administrator.
federal NPL waste sites, and to develop toxico-
ATSDR also strives toward a commitment to
logical profiles of high-priority chemicals found
diversity by recruiting at minority-led career
at these sites. These tasks are complicated by
fairs, seminars, and conferences; targeting
the absence of a congressional mandate to
minority journals and other advertising to fill
federal agencies (with the exception of DOD) to
vacancies; and sponsoring internships at tar-
provide ATSDR with the necessary staff and
geted schools and universities.
budget to conduct these activities. ATSDR
negotiates with DOD and DOE to establish
Requests for Information
annual work plans and budgets required to
conduct its programs at DOD and DOE facili-
from the Public
ties. Figure 3 illustrates ATSDR's fiscal year
The ATSDR Information Center provides
2000 DOD and DOE operating budgets, by
scientific and technical information to support
budget activity.
ATSDR staff, agency constituents, and the
In fiscal year 2000 ATSDR had a staff of about
public. The Information Center includes a
415, who brought a variety of skills and exper-
research library, a clearinghouse, and the
tise to the agency's work. ATSDR's staff
ATSDR toll-free telephone access system. In
includes epidemiologists, environmental
fiscal year 2000, the Information Center re-
engineers, health educators, hydrologists,
sponded to more than 36,000 requests and
physicians, toxicologists, and other public
distributed more than 750,000 agency products
health professionals. ATSDR has a very active
and publications.
Agency Profile 15