fiscal year 2000, the Office of Tribal Affairs'
office also provided agency staff members with
programs and activities increased significantly.
training on working effectively with tribal
governments. This training provides insights
ATSDR was one of two DHHS agencies to meet
into appropriate protocols for working with
the department's mandate to have each agency
tribal governments and addresses special
establish policies on consultation and coordina-
considerations that should be given when
tion with American Indian and Alaska Native
assessing the health of American Indian and
governments, as set forth in Presidential Execu-
Alaska Native people with subsistence diets and
tive Order 13084. In March 2000, ATSDR and
lifestyles and other unique exposure conditions.
CDC hosted the first annual Tribal Budget
The Office of Tribal Affairs was involved in
the meeting was to take direction from the tribes
approximately 30 tribal sites in fiscal year 2000.
and national tribal organizations in addressing
Involvement ranged from coordinating meetings
the public health needs of American Indian and
with tribal councils and making presentations to
Alaska Native peoples.
writing health consultation documents and
public health action plans. In general, the tribal
In fiscal year 2000, the Office of Tribal Affairs
sites are politically complex and require a
holistic approach to environmental public
four tribal colleges and universities to build
programs for environmental public health. In
addition, the Office of Tribal Affairs oversees
ATSDR Budget and
which were designed to provide assistance to
Appropriations History
the nine tribes impacted by the Hanford Nuclear
ATSDR is funded through EPA and its person-
nel allocation through CDC. Funding for
Several projects were initiated and continued in
ATSDR activities at federal facility sites is
fiscal year 2000. An Alaska pilot project ad-
negotiated with the Department of Defense
dressing formerly used defense sites was
(DOD) and the Department of Energy (DOE).
initiated in partnership with other Department of
Health Assessment and Consultation branches,
Figure 2. ATSDR CERCLA Budget (Nonfederal
the Office of Regional Operations, the Alaska
Obligations), Fiscal Year 1995Fiscal
Native Health Board, and the Corps of Engi-
Year 2000
neers. Six sites were chosen for inclusion in this
pilot; draft health consultations have been
prepared thus far for two sites. Additional sites
not included in the pilot program are also being
Health education and
Scientific assessment,
research, and information
Work on a tribal subsistence database is pro-
gressing and is slated for completion in 2001.
Surveillance, health
This database is expected to provide useful
studies, and registries
reference documents, Web sites, and informa-
Health assessments and
related activities
tion on other federal programs that will assist
health assessors assigned to tribal sites. The
Fiscal year
14 Agency Profile