Supporting a wide array of environmental
The Office of Federal Programs plans, recom-
health education and promotion activities for
health care providers, public health officials,
and procedures under which ATSDR works with
federal agencies to develop toxicological
ment programs with national organizations of
profiles for unregulated hazardous substances
health professionals
found at federal facilities and to conduct public
health assessments and related health activities.
environmental public health information and
The Office of Policy and External Affairs
training programs in various formats, lan-
promotes the mission of ATSDR by coordinat-
guages, and media
ing the agency's efforts to build public health
capacity in state and local entities, by providing
Office of the
analysis of agency policy, and by communicat-
Assistant Administrator
ing information about ATSDR's activities. The
In addition to the program-specific divisions,
provides graphics and editorial services to the
ATSDR has several offices that provide admin-
agency, and produces various publications,
istrative, scientific, or management support to
reports, and fact sheets to communicate agency
the agency and its divisions. These offices are
contained within the Office of the Assistant
The Office of Program Operations and Manage-
ment (OPOM) develops and executes ATSDR's
The Office of the Associate Administrator for
budget, including Superfund and other federal
Science serves as the agency focal point for
program funds. In addition to managing the
science issues that have an impact on ATSDR
budget, OPOM provides management support
programs and activities. The office provides
for the agency in the areas of program planning;
administrative and technical support to
recruitment and employee development; infor-
ATSDR's Board of Scientific Counselors and
mation access, exchange, and utilization;
the board's Community/Tribal Subcommittee,
training; travel; and procurement and other
the ATSDR peer review process, and a science
administrative services.
forum that serves to facilitate sharing of scien-
tific information among staff members.
The Office of Regional Operations (ORO)
assists in the implementation of ATSDR activi-
In 1998, ATSDR established a Children's
ties across the country. ORO has ATSDR
Health office to (1) coordinate child health
regional representatives at each of the 10 EPA
programs throughout the agency; (2) identify (in
regional offices and a liaison at EPA headquar-
collaboration with other divisions and offices)
ters in Washington, D.C. This distribution of
new projects that benefit children; and (3) solicit
staff in regional locations promotes communica-
input from and disseminate information to
tion and interaction with ATSDR's main part-
partner agencies and organizations. ATSDR's
ners: the public, EPA, and state and local
office complements EPA's formation of the
environmental and public health agencies.
Office of Children's Health Protection and the
federal Task Force on Children's Environmental
Health and Safety Risks (established under
Executive Order No. 13045).
Agency Profile 11