on health and the environment. The overall
Community Involvement Branch
goals of these demonstration projects will be to
Staff members of ATSDR's Community In-
(1) identify environmental hazards, (2) promote
volvement Branch have a significant role in
environmental quality, and (3) reduce or prevent
ATSDR's activities at sites. Community in-
negative impacts on public health and the
volvement staff members work to establish and
environment, with emphasis on
persons of
maintain partnerships with communities near
and underserved communities. The four sites are
sites where ATSDR is conducting health
assessments or consultations. Staff members
Family Services of Greater New Orleans,
facilitate collaboration and information ex-
Tulane University Medical Center, Cancer
change between ATSDR and communities and
other government agencies involved at those
Jackson-Hinds Comprehensive Health Center,
sites. They provide an essential link between the
Tri-County Health Group Jackson, Mississippi
community and the ATSDR scientists who are
Community Health Resources, Incorporated,
working to address community health concerns
Memphis, Tennessee
and to protect public health.
For example, in fiscal year 2000, community
Arkansas at Pine Bluff
involvement staff members worked extensively
The Office of Urban Affairs has also been
strategies to inform residents about medical
working with a low-income community near the
testing that was offered those who may have
Memphis International Airport and the Defense
been exposed to asbestos found in vermiculite
Depot in Memphis, Tennessee. Airport and
mined in the area. The staff members developed
Defense Depot activities are at the core of the
a list of state, federal, and local stakeholders
historic and current public health concerns of
and created a communication plan to meet the
residents in the area. The Defense Depot is the
stakeholders' needs. More than 6,000 people
only site on EPA's National Priorities List of
participated in ATSDR's asbestos medical
Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites (NPL)
testing program--twice the number of partici-
within the Memphis city limits. Currently its
pants originally expected. ATSDR community
625 acres are being cleaned up. In an effort to
involvement staff also coordinated communica-
help the community obtain appropriate health
tion efforts with EPA's Community Involvement
care in problems involving hazardous sub-
staff to ensure that the messages coming from
stances, ATSDR has a memorandum of under-
both federal agencies were consistent and
standing with the Health Resources and Ser-
vices Administration's Bureau of Primary
Health Care. The agreement allows for ATSDR
Office of Tribal Affairs
to provide environmental medicine training to
health care providers in Memphis who work at
The Office of Tribal Affairs is charged with
primary health care facilities supported by the
writing policy for the agency on working with
Bureau of Primary Health Care. These health
American Indian and Alaska Native govern-
care providers trained in environmental medi-
ments and peoples, coordinating tribal site
cine will then be able to provide better health
activities, and providing oversight on various
care to persons exposed to hazardous substances
projects. The office represents ATSDR on
in the environment.
DHHS and EPA working groups that focus on
American Indian and Alaska Native issues. In
Agency Profile 13