HSEES generates information for use by
St. Lawrence River Basin Fish and Wildlife and
states to conduct presentations on planning
Neurological Effects of Environmental Exposure
prevention strategies for industries that account
to PCBs.
for a substantial number of spills; conduct
The Research Foundation of State University
hazardous materials (HazMat) training courses,
of New York at Buffalo--The New York State
including information about the risk for injury
Angler Cohort Study: Exposure Characterization
from methamphetamine labs; establish and
and Reproductive Developmental Health.
maintain protection areas for municipal water
State University of New York at Oswego--
systems; assist with the proper placement of
Behavioral Effects of Consumption of Lake
HazMat teams; develop fact sheets on frequently
Ontario Fish: Two Methodological Approaches:
spilled chemicals or chemicals that cause a
Continuation of a Longitudinal Study Testing
disproportionate number of injuries (e.g.,
4- and 6-Year-Olds.
chlorine and ammonia); develop newsletters for
industry, responders, and environmental groups;
State University of New York at Albany--
and conduct presentations for state and local
PCB Congener and Metabolite Patterns in
emergency planners. A public-use dataset will be
Adult Mohawks: Biomarkers of Exposure and
available on the ATSDR HSEES Web site in the
Individual Toxicokinetics.
Neurodevelopmental Test
Great Lakes Human Health
Methods Research
Effects Research Program
ATSDR awarded a research grant to the University
In support of the Great Lakes Critical Programs Act,
of Rochester to determine and validate a battery
this program's six objectives are to
of neurodevelopmental tests for use in assessing
neurologic effects of prenatal or postnatal exposure
(1) build on and extend results from past and
to toxicants at waste sites and in the environment.
ongoing research in the Great Lakes region;
Deficits in specific developmental domains will be
(2) develop information databases or research
evaluated in this battery and validation of this test-
methodology, or both, that will provide long-
ing method will enhance ATSDR's ability to detect
term benefits to the human health effects research
subtle neurodevelopmental effects in children. These
efforts in the Great Lakes basin;
research methods will address an ATSDR goal to de-
velop methods and tools for
evaluating human health
(3) provide direction for future health effects
consequences of exposure to toxic substances in the
environment. The research is funded through partner-
(4) provide health information to state and local
ships with other federal agencies and industry.
health officials, the concerned public, and their
medical health care professionals;
Resource Materials
(5) increase public awareness about the potential
ATSDR develops materials that public health
health implications of toxic
pollution in
the Great
professionals and medical care providers can use
Lakes; and
to assess the public health impacts of chemical
exposures. Resources are available in print, on
(6) coordinate as necessary with relevant government
the ATSDR Web site, and on CD-ROM. For
research programs and activities to ameliorate
example, medical management guidelines are
available for acute chemical exposures to more
substances in the Great Lakes basin.
than 50 chemicals. These guidelines were designed
Four institutions in New York have been awarded
to aid emergency department physicians and other
funds by ATSDR to conduct studies. These are
emergency health care professionals, such as first
NYS DOH--PCB, DDE, Mirex, and HCB
responders, who manage acute exposures resulting
Exposure Among Native American Men and
from chemical incidents. ATSDR's toxicological
Women From Contaminated Great Lakes and
profiles comprehensively describe health effects;