ATSDR is working with the New York State
Department of Health (NYS DOH), the Broome
the Nassau County Health Department found
County Health Department, and local citizen
that indoor air of nearby buildings also was
groups to develop a public health response plan
contaminated with VOCs at levels above the
that will begin the process of
health department's guideline
addressing the concerns about
for indoor air. At the request
community exposures to VOCs
in Endicott. The draft plan was
measures were taken to reduce
released for public comment in
levels of VOCs within those
early 2004. The plan describes
buildings, including a former
historic, ongoing, and planned
day-care facility. VOC levels
public health actions by the
are now significantly below
health and environmental
health department indoor air
agencies to address specific
human exposures to
To help the public understand
the exposures and public
Endicott. Specific items in the
health actions, ATSDR and
Aerial view of Ground Zero.
plan include review of ongoing
NYS DOH developed and
environmental investigations and exposure mitigation
distributed fact sheets about the site. ATSDR and
efforts, review and analysis of cancer and birth
NYS DOH are working together to complete a
outcomes in the village, public health implications
public health assessment to update information
of low-level exposures to VOCs in drinking water,
about indoor air quality, on-site and off-site
evaluation of the community outreach and education
activities, and health care provider outreach and
education activities. ATSDR and NYS DOH also are
ceased operation at the affected building in
working with the National Institute for Occupational
April 2002, residents, workers, and parents are
Safety and Health (NIOSH) to address community
interested in the outcome of the public health
concerns about worker exposures at the former IBM
assessment, which is expected to be released for
facility. NIOSH is assessing the feasibility of a study
public comment in March 2004.
to evaluate the potential health effects of worker
Diaz Chemical Corporation--On January 5,
exposures at the former IBM facility.
2002, this specialty organic chemical
One of the agency's important mandates is to conduct
manufacturer in Holley unintentionally released
public health assessments of
all National Priorities
a mixture of primarily toluene, water (steam),
List (NPL) sites and of other sites where a significant
and 2-chloro-6-fluorophenol (CFP) into outdoor
threat to public health might exist. One hundred
air. Soon after the release, residents complained
eight sites have been designated to the NPL in New
of acute health effects; the company relocated
some residents. NYS DOH, in consultation
A public health assessment is a written,
with ATSDR, conducted both environmental
comprehensive evaluation of available data
sampling (air, soil, and surface water) and
and information about the release of hazardous
extensive biomonitoring of urine. Sampling
substances into the environment in a specific
and biomonitoring results indicated exposure
geographic area. Such releases are assessed for
to CFP, particularly for residents and properties
current or future impact on public health. ATSDR, in
immediately northeast of the facility. ATSDR
collaboration with public health and environmental
assisted NYS DOH in characterizing the health
officials from New York, has conducted 158 public
risks of exposure to CFP, and documented these
health assessments in the state, including the
findings in a
public health assessment finalized
following recent examples.
in September 2003. In response to community
concerns about long-term health effects from the
Jackson Steel--This site in Mineola is a former
CFP release, NYS DOH has offered enrollment in
steel product manufacturer that contaminated