implications of exposure to soil and indoor
comments and updating sections of health
air at Southside High School. The final health
consultation. In addition, ATSDR is determining
consultation was released in September 2003.
potential follow-up public health activities.
The final version of the health consultation is
expected in the next few months. All public
with ATSDR, prepared a health consultation
comments and ATSDR responses will be in an
to evaluate the public health implications of
appendix of the final health consultation.
exposure to asbestos related to the former
Zonolite Company/W.R. Grace exfoliating
Health Education and Community Activities
facility in Brutus. The health consultation
recommends that former employees of the
agreement program since 1987. Under this program,
exfoliating facility and their household contacts
NYS DOH has received funding and technical as-
consult a physician with expertise in asbestos-
sistance for development of community education
related lung disease if they believe they have
and activities associated with human exposure to
been exposed to asbestos. The health consultation
hazardous substances in the environment. Under the
is expected to be released to the public for
cooperative agreement, almost 18,000 New York
comments in spring 2004.
health professionals and residents have received over
National Lead Inc. (Colonie Site)--Between
11,000 pieces of environmental health information at
1958 and 1984, National Lead Industries (NL)
14 training and informational events during 2002.
used depleted uranium (DU) in manufacturing
processes at its facility in Colonie. Before
ducted a number of educational activities support the
1958, the site was used as a brass and lead
foundry. These operations generated stack
Added to the NPL in June 2001, this East Fishkill
emissions, which released DU and lead into
(Dutchess County) site is concerned with health im-
the air. Community members are concerned
pacts of tetrachloroethene (PCE) and trichloroethene
about potential adverse health effects from past
(TCE) exposures. ATSDR sponsored focused training
operations at the facility. The U.S. Army Corps
for physicians on PCE and TCE. Environmental
of Engineers, which controls the site and is
health specialists from the Association of Occupa-
responsible for clean-up activities, asked ATSDR
tional and Environmental Clinics provided this train-
to conduct a public health evaluation of potential
ing in September 2002.
exposures to the community from past site
The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe has participated in a
ATSDR released the public comment version
develop environmental health education programs
of the Colonie Site health consultation in
and promote health in their communities. Under this
August 2003 and presented the findings of
program, the St. Regis Tribe developed a community
consultation to over 200 community members
relations/risk communication plan related to the Gen-
in September 2003. ATSDR concluded that past
eral Motors/Massena site; produced several articles,
emissions from DU could have increased the risk
brochures, and fact sheets on the health effects of
for kidney disease and, among smokers, lung
PCBs; and conducted a workshop for 25 local health
cancer. However, ATSDR did not find a public
care providers. ATSDR completed a public health
health hazard from contact with or incidental
assessment in 1999 that identified the site as a public
ingestion of DU or lead-contaminated soil.
health hazard because of past and continued human
For past lead emissions, ATSDR concluded an
exposures to hazardous substances at levels of health
indeterminate health hazard because of the lack
concerns. Human exposure, primarily ingestion of
of data.
PCB-contaminated fish and wildlife has occurred and
During the public comment period, which was
can continue to occur.
extended an extra 30 days, ATSDR received
Health Studies
many phone calls, letters, and e-mails from
Health studies are investigations conducted to deter-
community members concerned about their
mine the relation between exposures to hazardous
health. ATSDR is responding to the public