data collection, data entry, and data analysis of the
further investigation through, for example, health
survey results. Environmental office staff members
surveillance or an epidemiologic study. Following is
also started compiling community profiles for each
an example of a health study that ATSDR conducted
or supported in New Mexico:
of the pueblos to assist in planning future educational
Soil-Related Potential Lead Poisoning--
NTEC and the National Environmental Health As-
In 1990, ATSDR awarded a grant to the
New Mexico Department of Health and
sociation conducted a course titled Health Risk Com-
Environment to assess lead exposure in persons
munication for Environmental Health Professionals
at the NTEC conference in San Diego in March
living near the Billing Mine Smelter site in
1996. At the same conference, ATSDR supported a
Socorro. Residents of the Billing Smelter area
workshop on pesticide management practices. A new
had mean blood-lead levels (3.67 micrograms
column focusing on environmental health issues be-
per deciliter [μg/dL]) that were statistically
came a standard feature in NTEC's newsletter, Tribal
significantly higher than the mean blood-lead
levels of residents in comparison areas (2.56 and
3.08 μg/dL). For the participants with both
ATSDR recently conducted a series of professional
preabatement and postabatement blood-lead
seminars to meet the educational needs of local
level measurements, a significant decrease in
nurses working in support of the Griggs and Walnut
mean blood-lead levels was found after cleanup.
Street site in Las Cruces. "Environmental Health--
Appropriate counseling and follow-up programs
were recommended.
tion as well as an opportunity for local nurses to earn
continuing nursing education credits. An unplanned
Resource Materials
but welcome outgrowth of the seminars was a request
for a special session for 30 promatros de salud (envi-
ATSDR develops materials that public health profes-
ronmental health paraprofessionals) working as part
sionals and medical care providers can use to assess
of the Southwest Area Health Education Consortium
the public health impacts of chemical exposures.
with New Mexico State University. Conducted in
Resources are available in print, on the ATSDR Web
Spanish, this session included discussions about how
site, and on CD-ROM. For example, medical man-
best to convey environmental health information to
agement guidelines are available for acute chemi-
the Hispanic community.
cal exposures to more than 40 chemicals. ATSDR's
toxicological profiles comprehensively describe
Association of Occupational and
health effects; pathways of human exposure; and the
behavior of more than 250 hazardous substances in
Environmental Clinics
air, soil, and water at hazardous waste sites. Since fis-
ATSDR provides financial and technical support to
cal year 2002, more than 3,300 of these profiles have
members of the Association of Occupational and
been sent to requesters, including representatives of
Environmental Clinics (AOEC). This support is
federal, state, and local health and environmental de-
provided to improve education and communication
partments; academic institutions; private industries;
related to surveillance, diagnosis, treatment, and
and nonprofit organizations in New Mexico. ATSDR
prevention of illness or injury related to exposure to
has also developed extensive resources for commu-
hazardous substances. The AOEC member institution
nity members.
in New Mexico is the Presbyterian Occupational
Medicine Clinic in Albuquerque.
Health Studies
Health studies are investigations conducted to
For more information, contact ATSDR toll-free
determine the relationships between exposures to
at 1-888-42ATSDR (1-888-422-8737) or visit the
hazardous substances and adverse health effects.
ATSDR Web page at
They also define health problems that require
June 2003