Public Health Advisories
consistent with symptoms that could result from
exposures to volatile organic compounds. ATSDR
A public health advisory is a statement of find-
asked for technical assistance from the National
ings by ATSDR that a substance released into the
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
environment poses a significant risk to human health.
(NIOSH). NIOSH reviewed facility operations
It includes recommended measures to reduce human
and conducted time-weighted air sampling in
exposure and eliminate, or substantially mitigate,
various process areas. The information generated
the significant risk. The advisory is issued to EPA to
was used to focus on target chemicals for the
inform state and local officials and the public about
exposure investigation. NIOSH found that worker
recommended actions. In New Mexico, ATSDR is-
exposure occurred, which prompted ATSDR
sued the following advisory.
to investigate whether compounds associated
Navajo Desiderio Group Uranium Mines--On
with emissions from the facility were present
November 21, 1990, ATSDR issued a public
in community ambient air at levels of health
health advisory to inform EPA, the Navajo
concern. Two consecutive days of community air
nation, and others of a potentially significant
sampling were conducted for methyl ethyl ketone
threat to human health posed by the presence
peroxide, methyl isobutyl ketone, and styrene.
of radioactive mine wastes containing uranium,
Compounds associated with emissions from the
areas potentially contaminated with heavy
facility were not present in community ambient
metals, and other physical hazards. The areas of
air at levels of health concern. This information
was provided to residents, businesses, and the
of Bluewater.
facility operators as well as to government
From 1952 to 1966, the Brown-Vandever Mine
agencies for use in planning follow-up efforts.
and the Desiderio Mine produced uranium ore
for use in processing facilities in and around
Tribal Government Collaboration
New Mexico. These mining operations left
and Health Education Activities
tailings and open mine pits and shafts throughout
the area. Many children lived in the area, and a
preschool was within 3 miles of one of the sites.
educational activities for health professionals and
About 125 people living within a 3-mile radius
communities on human exposure to hazardous
of the site were warned of the possible threat to
substances in the environment. The National Tribal
their health from contact with mining site waste
Environmental Council (NTEC) participated
that contained uranium. Since the advisory was
in this program from 1996 through 1999, and the
issued, EPA conducted an emergency removal
Eight Northern Indian Pueblos Council (ENIPC)
of the waste, thereby reducing the possibility of
participated from 1996 through 2002. Both councils
are in New Mexico. ENIPC Environmental Office
staff members conducted an environmental health
Exposure Investigations
education needs assessment survey at each of the
An exposure investigation collects information on
pueblos. The purpose of the survey was to identify
specific human exposures through biologic sampling,
environmental health concerns and culturally
personal monitoring, related environmental assess-
appropriate methods to share information, conduct
ment, and exposure-dose reconstruction. Since 1994,
community and health professional education, and
ATSDR staff members have conducted two exposure
address identified concerns including those related
investigations in New Mexico. Following is an ex-
possible radiation exposures from Los Alamos
ample of such an investigation:
National Laboratory. In 1996, ENIPC performed
ECKO Products Facility--ATSDR initiated an
data collection, data entry, and data analysis of the
exposure investigation at the ECKO Products
survey results. Environmental office staff members
facility in Silver City as a result of a health
also started compiling community profiles for each
consultation. The consultation evaluated available
of the pueblos to assist in planning future educational
plant and concluded that health concerns were