Activities in
New Mexico
ATSDR in Partnership With
conducted 15 public
From 1990 through 2002,
health assessments
New Mexico
ATSDR awarded more than
in the state. Follow-
0 thousand in direct
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Regis-
ing is an example
funds to the state of New
try (ATSDR) is the lead public health agency respon-
of a public health as-
sible for implementing the health-related provisions
sessment conducted
of the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
in the state:
Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA).
Molycorp, Inc.--The U.S. Environmental
ATSDR is an Atlanta-based federal agency with more
Protection Agency (EPA) proposed that this site
than 400 employees and an annual budget for 2003 of
placed on
the National Priorities List. The site
approximately million. ATSDR is responsible for
encompasses two distinct areas, a molybdenum
assessing the presence and nature of health hazards at
mine and its associated tailings ponds, both of
specific Superfund sites, helping to prevent or reduce
which are near the town of Questa, Taos County,
further exposure and illnesses resulting from those
hazards, and expanding the knowledge base about the
health effects of exposure to hazardous substances.
ATSDR works closely with state agencies to carry
In 2002, ATSDR released a draft public health
out its mission to serve the public by using the best
assessment for the site. The draft public health
science, taking responsive public health actions, and
assessment is a review of available information
providing trusted health information to prevent harm-
ful exposures and disease related to toxic substances.
surface water and sediment, and air quality. These
From 1990 through 2002, ATSDR awarded more than
were reviewed to determine possible exposure
0 thousand in direct funds and services to the
pathways. ATSDR classified the site as posing
state of New Mexico. In addition to direct funds and
no apparent public health hazard associated with
services, ATSDR provides technical and administra-
current or future exposures to mining-related
tive guidance for state-conducted site activities.
the Molycorp site an indeterminate public health
ATSDR Site-Specific Activities
hazard due to the limited nature of historical
Public Health Assessment-Related Activities
One of the agency's important mandates is to conduct
This public health assessment has been released
public health assessments of
all National Priorities
for public comment. After the public comment
List (NPL) sites and of other sites where a significant
period and a public meeting are held, the agency
threat to public health might exist. Seventeen sites in
will evaluate the health concerns provided by
New Mexico have been designated to the NPL.
community members to determine if any adverse
health effects are the result of exposure to
A public health assessment is a written, comprehen-
substances from the Molycorp site.
sive evaluation of available data and information on
the release of hazardous substances into the environ-
A health consultation is a written or oral response
ment in a specific geographic area. Such releases
from ATSDR to a specific request for information
are assessed for current or future impact on public
about health risks related to a specific site, chemical
health. ATSDR, in collaboration with public health
release, or hazardous material. It is a more limited
and environmental officials from New Mexico, has
response than a public health assessment is. To date,