Great Lakes Human Health
publication, establish a cohort of Asian American
(Hmong people from Laos and Cambodia) men
Effects Research Program
and women of childbearing age who have a high
In support of the Great Lakes Critical Programs Act,
this program's six objectives are to (1) extend the
the Fox River and/or other local polluted water,
results from past and ongoing research in the Great
describe the reproductive experiences of this
Lakes region; (2) develop information databases or
population, determine fish consumption practices
research methodology, or both, that will provide long-
of this population, determine the distribution
term benefits to the human health effects research ef-
of serum PCB levels in a subset of the cohort,
forts in the Great Lakes basin; (3) provide direction for
examine changes in serum PCB and serum thyroid
future health effects research; (4) provide health infor-
hormone levels during pregnancy, and evaluate
mation to state and local health officials, the concerned
health outcomes in infants born to the women in
public, and their medical health care professionals; (5)
this cohort.
increase public awareness about the potential health
Association of Occupational and
implications of toxic pollution in the Great Lakes; and
(6) coordinate as necessary with relevant government
Environmental Clinics
research programs and activities to ameliorate adverse
public health impacts of persistent toxic substances
Association of Occupational and Environmental Clin-
in the Great Lakes basin. Two institutions in Illinois
ics (AOEC), ATSDR supports two occupational and
have been awarded funds through this program: the
environmental health programs in Illinois. This sup-
University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of
port is provided to improve education and communica-
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Studies are expected to
tion related to surveillance, diagnosis, treatment, and
be completed by 2006.
prevention of illness or injury related to exposure to
Great Lakes Fish as a Source of Maternal and
hazardous substances. The member institutions in Il-
Fetal Exposure to Chlorinated Hydrocarbons--
linois are the Occupational Medicine Clinic, Stroger
The purpose of this study at the University of
Hospital of Cook County, and the University of
Illinois at Chicago is to determine the effects of
Illinois Occupational Medicine Program, both in
consumption of possibly contaminated fish (PCBs,
DDT/DDE, and dieldrin) on pregnant woman of
Since 1998, ATSDR has provided funds to AOEC to
African-American descent and on their newborns.
support a project establishing Pediatric Environmen-
The subject population will consist of a control
tal Health Specialty Units (PEHSUs) as a national
and a fish-eating group identified at the University
resource for pediatricians, other health care providers,
of Chicago Lying-in Hospital, the University
federal staff, and the public. The PEHSUs develop
of Illinois Hospital, Miles Square Clinic, and
materials and present training to health professionals
Altgeld Gardens Clinic (and possibly other
and public health officials on environmental health is-
area clinics). Participants are interviewed, then
sues and their impact on children's health. The PEHSU
followed throughout pregnancy to term. Biologic
for Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and
specimen collections consist of maternal and fetal
Wisconsin is the Great Lakes Center for Children's
cord blood, placenta, breast milk, adipose tissue,
Environmental Health at Cook County Hospital.
and meconium. The investigators will evaluate
The center was established in 1999 to promote and
meconium as a biologic specimen to predict infant
protect children's health through prevention, educa-
in utero exposure to toxic chemicals.
tion, diagnosis and treatment of environmentally
Longitudinal Assessment of Neuropsychological
related diseases.
and Thyroid Function in Aging Great Lakes
Fish-Eaters and a Prospective Study of Health
Outcomes in Asian Americans--The University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign proposes to
For more information, contact ATSDR toll-free
complete follow-up neuropsychologic assessments
at 1-888-42ATSDR (1-888-422-8737) or visit the
of aging Lake Michigan fish-eaters, statistically
ATSDR Web site at
analyze the data, and prepare manuscripts for
March 2004