August 2003, provides information for teachers,
cells and thyroid-stimulating hormone in men.
parents, and students about the health effects of
Preliminary findings of
the morbidity II
mercury, ways to clean up a small mercury spill,
report indicate elevated breast cancer in former
and action to take for a large spill. The site also
female employees, based on a small number
includes information about the history and physical
of cases, and elevated rates of ear infection in
properties of mercury, curricula for teachers to use
workers' children.
in the classroom, and a mercury quiz.
National Exposure Registry (NER): Trichlo-
roethylene (TCE) Subregistry--TCE, a syn-
Environmental Health Association, ATSDR awarded
thetic chemical that does not occur naturally in
funds to the Illinois Environmental Health Associa-
the environment, was the first chemical selected
tion, whose members are from the private sector as
for an NER subregistry. Occupational and animal
well as city, county, state, and tribal organizations.
studies suggest that TCE is associated with liver,
kidney, or lung cancer. Data on nonoccupational
planning, designing, and implementing an environ-
exposures, such as environmental exposures and
mental health education program that responds to the
their potential health effects, are sparse and incon-
significant threat of chemical terrorism. One of the
clusive. At selected sites throughout the nation at
agreement's five goals is to conduct regional and na-
which TCE exposures have occurred, initial (i.e.,
tional training and education workshops.
baseline) and follow-up interviews have been
conducted; 4,986 people from 15 areas associated
Health Studies
with hazardous waste sites in five states have been
Health studies are investigations to determine the rela-
enrolled in the TCE Subregistry. Health outcomes
tions between exposures to hazardous substances and
reported for certain sex and age groups included
adverse health effects. Health studies also define health
speech impairment, hearing impairment, and ane-
problems that require further investigation through,
mia and other blood disorders.
for example, health surveillance or an epidemiologic
The Illinois sites included in the TCE Subregistry
study. Following are examples of health studies or
investigations that ATSDR conducted or supported in
Warner Electric Brake and Clutch Company,
Beloit Corporation, Byron Salvage Yard, Acme
La Salle Electrical Utilities--In September
Solvent Reclaiming, and Frinks Industrial Waste
1993, ATSDR awarded funds to IDPH to conduct
sites. Baseline interviews were conducted in 1990;
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) exposure
follow-up interviews were conducted in 1991,
assessment and biologic sampling at this site. The
1993, 1995, 1997, and 2000.
study was conducted in three phases: a mortality
Determining the Prevalence of Multiple
cause-of-death analysis for 2,880 workers, and
Sclerosis (MS) and Amyotrophic Lateral
two morbidity studies (various biomarker analyses
Sclerosis (ALS) in Communities Living Around
and survey responses for nervous and reproductive
Hazardous Waste Sites--Citizens in five Illinois
communities (DePue, Lewistown, Morrison,
The mortality analysis showed that total mortality
Paw Paw, and Savanna) expressed concern about
and all cancer mortality were similar to expected
the number of people with MS and ALS in their
in both males and females; however, females with
communities and a possible link to hazardous
longer employment had a significantly elevated
waste sites. In fiscal year 2002, ATSDR awarded a
liver/biliary cancer, and stomach cancer in males
cooperative agreement to the University of Illinois
was significantly elevated.
to determine the prevalence of these diseases in the
five communities. People suspected of having MS
The morbidity I biomarker report of 190 workers
and ALS will have their diagnosis verified by the
was printed in 2002. The study found significant
project neurologist after a review of their medical
associations for various lipid and hormone
records. Prevalence rates will then be compared
biomarkers; increased triglycerides, decreased
with national statistics. This study will also
HDL-cholesterol, decreased sex-hormone binding
investigate the proximity of MS and ALS cases to
globulin, and decreased follicle-stimulating
environmental hazards in the five communities.
hormone in women, and levels of natural killer