well used by the Montessori Academy in Batavia.
recommendations were made to the public. After
a fourth quarterly sampling event is complete this
No source of vinyl chloride was found at the
spring, IDPH will write a health consultation and
academy, and IDPH collected additional water
make additional recommendations based on the
well samples from surrounding properties in July
sampling results.
1996. Results of those samples showed an area of
A health consultation is a written or oral response
in association with Batavia Concrete, Inc. IDPH
from ATSDR to a specific request for information
referred the site to the Illinois EPA in 1996 for
about health risks related to a specific site, chemical
possible remediation.
release, or hazardous material. A health consultation is
a more limited response than a public health assess-
In December 1996, IDPH began an annual
ment is. To date, 171 documented health consultations
groundwater monitoring program for homes in a
have been conducted at 144 sites in Illinois, including
subdivision west of the site across the Fox River.
the following recent example.
From 1996 through 2001, site-related chemicals
were detected in groundwater samples from only
W.R. Grace--In September 2003, ATSDR
one home. In groundwater samples collected in
released a health consultation prepared by IDPH
2001, elevated levels of vinyl chloride and cis-
1,2-dichloroethylene were found. Because of these
Grace & Co. facility in West Chicago. Until it
levels, residents in this home were advised to use
closed in the early 1990s, the plant processed
an alternate drinking water supply or install a
more than 273,000 tons of asbestos-contaminated
whole-house water filtration system.
vermiculite ore mined in Libby, Montana. IDPH
concluded that the site currently poses no health
In June 2002, IDPH collected additional
hazard to area residents. However, former facility
employees were exposed to elevated levels of
in the subdivision west of the site, including the
asbestos. Residents of employees' households
private well where vinyl chloride was detected
also may have been exposed to asbestos fibers
in January 2001. Groundwater samples were
brought home on employees' clothing. As a result,
collected from 11 homes, but vinyl chloride was
employees and people who lived in their homes
found only in the one well that was previously
may be at increased risk for asbestos-related
affected. The homeowners with the affected well
use only bottled water for drinking and cooking.
The West Chicago site is part of ATSDR's National
IDPH concluded that under current conditions,
Asbestos Exposure Review (NAER) being
exposure to vinyl chloride in groundwater poses
conducted with other federal, state, and local
no apparent public health hazard to residents in
environmental and public health agencies. NAER
the affected home west of the site across the Fox
is an examination of more than 200 U.S. sites
River. This conclusion was based on continued use
that received asbestos-contaminated vermiculite
of bottled water by the residents and the absence of
ore mined in Libby from the early 1920s until
children in the home.
1990. ATSDR is working closely with the U.S.
Health Education and Community Activities
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state
health partners to determine whether a hazard to
agreement program since 1988. Under this program,
public health exists at any of the sites.
IDPH has received funding and technical assistance
An exposure investigation collects information about
to develop approximately 90 educational tools related
specific human exposures through biologic sampling,
to human health issues associated with hazardous
personal monitoring, related environmental assess-
substances in the environment. Additionally, more
ment, and exposure-dose reconstruction. Following
than 8,000 citizens have attended 216 public meetings
is a recent example of an exposure investigation con-
or training sessions (e.g., public meetings, in-school
ducted in Illinois.
presentations, workshops, seminars, grand rounds).
IDPH developed an interactive Web site about
water sampling in January 1996, IDPH identified
mercury using funding provided by ATSDR. The
vinyl chloride and other chlorinated solvents in a
site (www.idph.state.il.us/mercury), launched in