release, or hazardous material. A health consultation is
assistance for development of community education
a more limited response than a public health assess-
and activities associated with human exposure to
ment is. Twenty-five health consultations have been
hazardous substances in the environment.
developed at 15 sites in Utah, including the following
The state has conducted several activities in relation
recent example.
to the Eureka Mills site, including an open house to
American Fork Canyon--The North Fork of
solicit comments for the public health assessment, free
EEP blood lead testing and health education materials
the American Fork Canyon is in the Wasatch
Mountains approximately 40 miles southeast of
in conjunction with the Parent Teacher Organization's
Salt Lake City. During the spring and summer,
annual fair at the high school, and a lead poisoning
an average of 2,600 vehicles per day visit the
prevention curriculum in the elementary and high
canyon-Alpine Loop Recreation Area. Fishing is a
school. Blood lead testing sessions have been held
common recreational activity in these areas.
quarterly in 2003 in accordance with the health educa-
tion plan. Participation incentives included T-shirts,
Hatchery-reared rainbow trout are stocked yearly
pens, sponges, and a drawing for free gasoline. Display
in the American Fork River, the Tibble Fork
tables presented information about lead, and food with
Reservoir, and the Silver Lake Flat Reservoir. In
vitamin C, iron, and calcium was given to participants
addition to these stocked fish, cutthroat and brown
as an educational tool.
trout are native to the American Fork River.
addition, pamphlets on
blood lead poisoning pre-
A 1999 analysis of metals in fish from the North
vention were distributed to the parents of all Eureka
Fork revealed a higher than average concentration
children who have been tested for blood lead. After
total arsenic. Therefore, a
fish consumption
each of the blood lead tests, a letter with the blood
advisory was issued in June 2002.
lead test results was sent to the parent or guardian. If
As a continuation of a monitoring program to
the results showed an elevated blood lead level, the
assess the potential impacts from abandoned
parent or guardian was contacted by phone to discuss
mining operations in the canyon, the Utah
prevention measures. Letters included additional lead
Division of Wildlife Resources collected three
prevention material and any other information the par-
species of fish (cutthroat, brown, and rainbow
ent or guardian requested during the phone call. Health
trout) for tissue sampling from the North Fork
practitioners were given the blood lead test results for
in August 2002. These fish were analyzed
their patients and a contact name and number for more
for total arsenic and inorganic arsenic. In a
health consultation released in October 2003,
Health Studies
EEP recommended removal of the 2002 fish
consumption advisory for the North Fork of the
Health studies are investigations to determine the
relations between exposures to hazardous substances
and adverse health effects. They also define health
EEP also recommended that concentrations of total
problems that require further investigation through,
and inorganic arsenic continue to be monitored,
for example, health surveillance or an epidemiologic
well as
levels of
chromium, copper, mercury,
study. Following are examples of health studies or
selenium, and thallium.
investigations that ATSDR conducted or supported
EEP continues to work with UDEQ, the Utah
in Utah.
County Health Department, Utah Division
Hazardous Substances Emergency Events
of Wildlife Resources, Utah Department of
Surveillance (HSEES) System--HSEES was
Natural Resources, and ATSDR to notify the
established by ATSDR in 1990 to collect and
public of
the findings of
this revised health
analyze information about releases of hazardous
substances that need to be cleaned up or
Health Education and Community Activities
neutralized according to federal, state, or local law,
as well as threatened releases that result in a public
health action, such as an evacuation. The goal of
agreement program since 1998. Under this program,
HSEES is to reduce the morbidity and mortality of
UDOH has received funding and technical