EEP and the Salt Lake Valley Health
levels. Prevalence of elevated blood lead levels
Department encourage parents and guardians
were high for both young children and teenagers,
and exposure dose estimates for children living in
to have their children 6 months to 17 years of
Eureka City exceed health guidelines for arsenic,
age tested for lead levels in their blood. Pregnant
lead, and thallium.
women living near the former smelters also
should consider being tested. EEP continues to
The Utah Department of Health (UDOH), in
monitor the Utah Blood Lead Registry for children
coordination with the Central Utah Public Health
with elevated blood lead levels living near the
Department, is providing free blood lead testing
site to ensure adequate case management and
for children aged 6 months to 18 years living
environmental follow-up.
in Eureka City. During the blood lead testing
sessions, copies of the public health assessment
EEP conducted a health education needs
and other sources of information are made
assessment to determine the environmental health
available to the public. UDOH also is monitoring
education needs and concerns of the community.
the Utah Blood Lead Registry for children with
The needs assessment will be used to direct future
elevated blood lead levels in areas near the
health education activities in the community
site to ensure adequate case management and
impacted by this site.
environmental follow-up.
Intermountain Waste Oil Refinery--The final
Davenport and Flagstaff Smelters Site--The
public health assessment for the Intermountain
Davenport and Flagstaff Smelters Site is
Waste Oil Refinery site in Bountiful was released
approximately 15 miles southeast of Salt Lake
in September 2003. Thirty-six years of refining
City. Smelting activities conducted in this area
waste oils from facilities in Utah and neighboring
during 18721875 resulted in elevated levels of
lead and arsenic in
the soil. Parts of
the area are
now residential.
agreement with UDEQ, site owners proceeded
with remediation activities. However, because of a
EPA and UDEQ found up to 123,000 ppm lead and
lack of funds, remediation was left incomplete.
up to
4,690 ppm arsenic in
soil in
the residential
areas. EPA and UDEQ identified 600 ppm lead and
126 ppm arsenic as the health-based cleanup levels
is low because the site is fenced at its perimeter,
for the residential areas.
the entrance gates are locked, and shallow
The main source of
lead and arsenic in
Much of the problem surface soil and subsurface
Davenport and Flagstaff area is soil and dust
soil has been removed.
associated with former smelting activities. Most
of the soil with high concentrations of lead and
Trichloroethene and 1,2-dichloroethene are
arsenic is near the former smelters in an area
the chemicals of concern at the site. These
where an estimated 87 adults and 43 children live.
contaminants were detected in the on-site
Dust from some of the homes in the Davenport
monitoring well at levels that exceed the EPA
and Flagstaff area has elevated levels of lead and
standards for public drinking water supplies.
EEP created a public health action plan to mitigate
The public health assessment, released in
and prevent adverse human health effects resulting
September 2003 for public comment, classified
from exposure to hazardous substances at the site.
Public meetings have taken place and a pamphlet
public health hazard. The UDOH Environmental
has been created to educate the surrounding
Epidemiology Program (EEP) designed a public
community. The site is not a current public health
health action plan to mitigate and prevent adverse
human health effects from exposure to lead and
arsenic in
soil and dust associated with the site.
A health consultation is a written or oral response
Public health action activities include blood lead
from ATSDR to a specific request for information
testing and a health education needs assessment.
about health risks related to a specific site, chemical