Hollywood Dump (NHD) was started by the city
The calculated tetrachloroethylene, 1,1-
of Memphis as a municipal dump. The dump was
dichloroethene, and 1,2-dichloroethane vapor
later used for the disposal of sodium hypochloride
concentrations inside the school are in-line
other industrial wastes.
with or below both outdoor
and indoor ambient air
In July 2002, the
monitoring data; therefore,
Tennessee Department
no apparent public health
of Health (TDH)
hazard exists at Downtown
determined that a public
health hazard exists at
DDMT--During public
the NHD abandoned
dredge pond (ADP).
involvement in the ATSDR
An attempt in 1992 to
public health assessment
remediate the NHD ADP
process for this site, local
does not appear to have
residents indicated that
been successful because
storm water in the DDMT
pesticide concentrations
surface drainage system had
in the fish sampled from
overflowed the banks and
North Hollywood dump abandoned
ADP were higher in 2001 dredge pond, Memphis
flooded adjacent property
than they were before the
in the past. This presents
1992 remediation. A completed exposure pathway
a potential migration pathway for hazardous
exists for consumption of pesticide-contaminated
substances, pollutants, or contaminants to have
fish from ADP. The concentration of chlordane
migrated from DDMT and to have been deposited
present in fish is too high for safe human
in these areas.
To determine whether a current risk of exposure
Downtown School, Memphis City Schools--
The future home of the City of Memphis
these predominantly residential areas, ATSDR
Downtown School, 10 North Fourth Street, was
evaluated soil samples from three areas near
DDMT and adjacent to
the drainage ways. These
use as a laundry. In 1999 and again in 2001,
three areas were the Rozelle neighborhood,
contaminated soil was removed from the site. The
the southeast drainage ditches, and the Tarrent
elementary school building was then built on the
In the May 2003 health consultation, ATSDR
In summer 2002, a vapor monitoring study
concluded that it is very unlikely that adverse
was performed outside and inside the school
health effects or excess risk of cancer will occur
building. A health consultation released on
January 2, 2003, addressed whether the measured
in the samples from these three areas. ATSDR
vapor concentrations would be a health hazard
categorized this situation as no apparent public
to children attending the new school. This
health hazard. ATSDR also concluded that the
health consultation concluded that the single
available evidence points to multiple sources
air sampling event was not sufficient to rule
for the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
out a health hazard; therefore, the site was
characterized as an indeterminate public health
public health advisory is a
statement of
hazard until additional data become available. Air
by ATSDR that a substance released into the envi-
quality data gathered December 2730, 2002, was
ronment poses a significant risk to human health. It
the focus of a health consultation update.
includes recommended measures to reduce human
Both sampling events in 2002 yielded trace
exposure and eliminate, or substantially mitigate, the
levels of drycleaner solvent or breakdown
significant risk. The advisory is issued to the U.S.
product vapors below federal health guidelines.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to inform