Activities in
ATSDR in Partnership With
threat to the public health
From fiscal years 1993
might exist. Twenty-
through 2002, ATSDR
one sites have been
awarded more than
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
designated to the NPL in
.8 million in direct
Registry (ATSDR) is the lead public health agency
funds and services to
responsible for implementing the health-related provi-
A public health
the state of Tennessee.
sions of the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
assessment is a
Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA).
written, comprehensive
ATSDR is an Atlanta-based federal agency with 400
evaluation of available data and information on the
employees. ATSDR's annual budget for 2003 is ap-
release of hazardous substances into the environment
proximately million. ATSDR is responsible for
in a specific geographic area. Such releases are
assessing the presence and nature of health hazards at
assessed for current or future impact on public health.
specific Superfund sites, helping to prevent or reduce
ATSDR staff, in conjunction with public health
further exposure and illnesses that result, and expand-
and environmental officials from Tennessee, has
ing the knowledge base about the health effects of
conducted 24 health assessments in the state.
exposure to hazardous substances.
Defense Distribution Depot Memphis,
ATSDR works closely with state agencies to carry
Tennessee (DDMT)--DDMT was a fenced and
out its mission to serve the public by using the best
guarded military supply, storage, and maintenance
science, taking responsive public health actions,
facility on the south side of Memphis from
and providing trusted health information to prevent
1942 to 1997. Conclusions from a public health
harmful exposures and disease related to toxic
assessment released on November 14, 2000,
substances. ATSDR provides funding and technical
include the following:
assistance to states and other partners through
--Since at least 1989, no known exposures
that could result in health effects exist or have
evaluate environmental health threats to communities.
These resources enable state and local health
except possibly in the Rozelle neighborhood. Soil
departments to further investigate environmental
sampling needs to be done in Rozelle to identify
health concerns and to educate communities. ATSDR
1 American Indian nation (the Gila River Indian
--A general lack of environmental data means
Community), and 1 commonwealth (the Puerto Rico
that insufficient information exists to determine
Department of Health). From fiscal years 1993
whether a health hazard existed before 1989.
through 2002, ATSDR awarded more than .8
A health consultation is a written or oral response
million in direct funds and services to the state of
from ATSDR to a specific request for information
Tennessee. In addition to direct funds and services,
about health risks related to a specific site, chemical
ATSDR staff provides technical and administrative
release, or hazardous material. It is a more limited
guidance for state-conducted site activities.
response than a public health assessment is. To date,
ATSDR Site-Specific Activities
85 documented health consultations have been per-
formed at 43 sites in Tennessee. Recent examples of
Public Health Assessment-Related Activities
health consultations conducted in the state include
One of the agency's important mandates is to conduct
Abandoned Dredge Pond, North Hollywood
public health assessments of
all National Priorities
Dump, Memphis--In the 1930s, North
List (NPL) sites and of other sites where a significant