of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) measured
site) were recipients of capacity-building training
near the facility could pose a public health hazard
focused on integrating environmental protection,
to Columbia Falls residents. ATSDR was asked
community involvement, environmental health
by EPA to respond to the Senator's request. The
education activities, and other public health practices
health consultation, released in January 2003,
to promote improved community health.
ATSDR has conducted a series of community
posed no apparent public health hazard to the
outreach and education activities for residents of
general population.
Libby. In 2000, ATSDR
Fort Peck Indian
and EPA jointly con-
ducted community stress
2001, the Fort Peck
management training for
Assiniboine and
Libby residents and area
Sioux tribes asked
health care profession-
ATSDR to evaluate
als. In 2002, ATSDR's
their public health
training sessions targeted
concerns associated
primarily local students,
with exposures to
parents, and teachers.
shallow groundwater
Multiple sessions on
children's environmental
including nitrate,
health were conducted
VOCs, and naturally
for the local Head Start
occurring radioactive
Program. A seminar on
material (NORM)
cancer was presented to
Hearing conducted by Senator Max Baucus
associated with oil field
students at Troy High
activities. The health
School. The seminar ad-
consultation released in April 2003 addresses
dressed the process of cancer, risk factors and impact
public health concerns related to the consumption
of lifestyles, and how cancers (including lung cancer)
progress, and included discussions on environmental
some areas of the Fort Peck Reservation, elevated
hazards associated with cancer. A more advanced
seminar on the same topic was conducted for stu-
health hazard for young infants, pregnant women,
dents in the Medical Assistant curriculum at Lincoln
and person with medical conditions that affect
County Flathead Valley Community College.
hemoglobin or methemoglobin levels in their
In spring 2003, at the request of the state medical
officer, ATSDR health educators began a series of
VOCs in groundwater and NORM concerns
conference calls with the Libby medical community
for the area will be addressed in other health
to foster communication and interaction, to avoid
duplication of services, and continue to develop local
health care infrastructure.
Health Education and Community Activities
As a part of ATSDR's nationwide Environmen-
ATSDR, the National Association of County and
calendar developed by the Montana State Univer-
City Health Officials has provided support to 50 local
sity-Bozeman College of Nursing was distributed to
health departments to build local Superfund capacity.
educate practicing nurses and students about the role
Building on an educational needs assessment, the
of nurses in environmental health issues across Mon-
Mineral County Environmental Health and
tana. "Environmental Health and Nursing: Montana
Planning Office (Alberton site), the Lincoln
Nurses Breaking New Ground" highlights Montana
County Environmental Health Department
nurses' involvement in topics ranging from asbes-
(Libby site), and the Missoula City-County Health
tosis and mesothelioma to assessing environmental
Department (Missoula White Pine and Sash