Activities in
ATSDR in Partnership With
A public health
From fiscal years 1993
assessment is a
through 2002, ATSDR
written, comprehensive
awarded more than
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
evaluation of available
.4 million in direct
Registry (ATSDR) is the lead public health agency
data and information
funds and services to
responsible for implementing the health-related
on the release of
the state of Montana.
provisions of the Comprehensive Environmental
hazardous substances
Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980
into the environment in
(CERCLA). ATSDR is an Atlanta-based federal
a specific geographic
agency with 400 employees. ATSDR's annual budget
area. Such releases are assessed for current or future
for 2003 is approximately million. ATSDR is
impact on public health. ATSDR staff, in conjunction
responsible for assessing the presence and nature of
with public health and environmental officials from
health hazards at specific Superfund sites, helping to
Montana, has conducted 20 health assessments in the
prevent or reduce further exposure and illnesses that
state. Following is an example of a health assessment
result, and expanding the knowledge base about the
conducted in Montana.
health effects of exposure to hazardous substances.
Libby Asbestos Site--Libby was proposed to
the NPL in February 2002. ATSDR prepared
ATSDR works closely with state agencies to carry
a public health assessment to evaluate public
out its mission of preventing exposure to con-
taminants at hazardous waste sites and preventing
at the site. The assessment concluded that the site
adverse health effects. ATSDR provides funding and
posed a past public health hazard, and that current
technical assistance for states to identify and evaluate
remaining source areas pose a current public
environmental health threats to communities. These
health hazard. Areas remediated by the U.S.
resources enable state and local health departments
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pose no
to further investigate environmental health concerns
apparent public health hazard. The final public
and educate communities. This is accomplished
health assessment was released in May 2003.
fiscal years 1993 through 2003, ATSDR awarded
A health consultation is a written or oral response
more than .4 million in direct funds and services
from ATSDR to a specific request for information
to the state of Montana. In addition to direct funds
about health risks related to a specific site, chemical
and services, ATSDR staff provides technical and ad-
release, or hazardous material. It is a more limited
ministrative guidance for state-conducted site activi-
response than a public health assessment is. To date,
ties. ATSDR has stationed a regional representative
43 documented health consultations have been per-
in Helena to facilitate services to Libby, and to state,
formed at 27 sites in Montana. Following are recent
federal, and county agencies in Montana.
examples of health consultations conducted in the
ATSDR Site-Specific Activities
Great Northern Bark Company, Columbia
Public Health Assessment-Related Activities
Falls--The Great Northern Bark Company
One of the agency's important mandates is to conduct
separates and classifies bark and log-yard waste
public health assessments of
all National Priorities
into bark used for landscaping. EPA was asked
List (NPL) sites and of other sites where a significant
by Senator Conrad Burns (R-MT) to investigate
threat to the public health might exist. Seventeen
constituent concerns associated with the
sites have been designated to the NPL in Montana.
company; i.e., whether airborne concentrations