human environmental health issues and distributed more
program is to allow for the development of pilot
than 7,700 copies of those tools. More than 1,000 Michi-
programs to (1) link existing environmental data
gan residents have attended 13 environmental health
and existing chronic disease data to evaluate the
education seminars, workshops, or town meetings.
potential contribution of environmental exposures
to chronic disease outcomes, (2) provide scientific
"Therometer Safe," an innovative MDCH program,
information about the association between
enlisted the support of Michigan health care providers in
environmental exposures and chronic disease, and
reducing accidental exposure to mercury vapors among
(3) develop and apply a methodology that could
pregnant women and young children. Recognizing that
serve as a useful model for other organizations
these groups are most often exposed when a mercury
when responding to questions about the potential
thermometer breaks, MCDH developed a simple, practi-
impact of environmental exposures to chronic
cal method to safely package mercury thermometers in
disease outcomes. This program was developed to
the home pending proper disposal. After a short explana-
address issues related to the Pew Environmental
tion about the dangers associated with mercury, provid-
Health Commission's recommendation to establish a
ers gave "Therometer Safe" kits to patients. Local health
Nationwide Health Tracking Network.
departments provided information on proper disposal
Association of Occupational and
Mercury spill prevention and clean-up has been a high
Environmental Clinics
priority for MDCH. In June 2003, staff from MDCH,
MDEQ, EPA, the Ingram County Health Depart-
sociation of Occupational and Environmental Clinics
ment, the Children's Hospital, Detroit Poison Control
(AOEC), ATSDR supports five occupational and envi-
Center, and industry conducted a 9-hour workshop for
ronmental health programs in Michigan. This support
contractors, health agency responders, and industrial
is provided to improve education and communication
hygienists. Topics addressed included health effects,
related to surveillance, diagnosis, treatment, and preven-
clean-up techniques, testing, and proper equipment.
tion of illness or injury related to exposure to hazardous
In January 2003, Core Curriculum in Environmental
substances. Four of the five programs in Michigan are
Health, a 1-day regional workshop providing an over-
associated with medical schools or schools of public
view of environmental health hazards in the home, work-
health. Significant research in environmental areas
place, and community, was presented in Kalamazoo.
include children and environmental cancers and arsenic
Developed by the American Association of Occupational
in Michigan's water table (Center for Occupational
and Environmental Medicine--Royal Oak), radon and
with ATSDR, the workshop was designed to increase the
environmental cancer epidemiology (Wayne State Uni-
knowledge base and skills of occupational and environ-
versity--Detroit), occupational asthma and respiratory
mental health nurses, nurse educators, family nurse prac-
disease (University of Michigan--Ann Arbor), chemi-
titioners, school nurses, and community health nurses.
cal exposures from well water or living near industrial
Health Studies
sites (Michigan State University [MSU]--East Lan-
Health studies are investigations conducted to deter-
sing), and chemical exposures (St. Lawrence Hospital
mine the relationships between exposures to hazard-
Work and Health Institute--Lansing).
ous substances and adverse health effects. They also
Substance-Specific Applied
define health problems that require further investigation
through, for example, health surveillance or an epidemi-
ologic study. Following is an example of a health study
or investigation that ATSDR conducted or supported in
to five universities, including Wayne State University,
the state of Michigan.
to conduct research to assess health risk after exposure
Linking Chronic Disease and Environmental
to mixtures of environmental chemicals. Results of this
Data Sources--ATSDR awarded a cooperative
research will enable ATSDR staff to conduct toxicity as-
agreement to MDCH to conduct research on the
sessments of chemical mixtures that affect public health;
potential impact of environmental exposures on
study the behavior of chemical mixtures; identify various
chronic disease outcomes. The purpose of this
end points that would be affected; evaluate target organs