Activities in
ATSDR in Partnership With
A public health
ATSDR awarded more
assessment is a
.3 million in the last
written, comprehensive
2 years in direct funds and
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
evaluation of available
services to Michigan.
(ATSDR) is the lead public health agency responsible for
data and information
implementing the health-related provisions of the Com-
on the release of
prehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and
hazardous substances
Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA). ATSDR is an Atlanta-
into the environment in a specific geographic area.
based federal agency with more than 400 employees and
Such releases are assessed for current or future impact
an annual budget for 2003 of approximately mil-
on public health. ATSDR, in collaboration with public
lion. ATSDR is responsible for assessing the presence
health and environmental officials from Michigan, has
and nature of health hazards at specific Superfund sites,
conducted 134 health assessments in the state, including
helping to prevent or reduce further exposure and ill-
the following recent example.
nesses resulting from those hazards, and expanding the
Wurtsmith Air Force Base (WAFB)--WAFB is a
knowledge base about the health effects of exposure to
former aviation support facility in Oscoda. While
hazardous substances.
the base was in operation, hazardous materials
ATSDR works closely with state agencies to carry out
were released to the environment, resulting in
its mission to serve the public by using the best science,
environmental contamination at many locations,
taking responsive public health actions, and providing
including on-base and off-base water supplies,
trusted health information to prevent harmful expo-
surface water, and sediment. ATSDR analyzed
sures and disease related to toxic substances. ATSDR
provides funding and technical assistance to states and
whether past, current, or future public health hazards
are associated with those areas. For most sites, no
grants to identify and evaluate environmental health
public health hazards were identified.
threats to communities. These resources enable state and
A health consultation is a written or oral response
local health departments and other grantees to further
from ATSDR to a specific request for information about
investigate environmental health concerns and to educate
health risks related to a specific site, chemical release,
communities. From fiscal years 1987 through 2003,
or hazardous material. It is a more limited response than
ATSDR awarded more than .3 million--more than
a public health assessment is. To date, 200 documented
.3 million in the last 2 years--in direct funds and
health consultations have been conducted at 148 sites in
services to Michigan for comprehensive support of its
Michigan, including the following recent examples.
environmental health unit. In addition to direct funds and
Continental Aluminum--In December 2001,
services, ATSDR staff provides technical and administra-
ATSDR received a petition asking for a public health
tive guidance for state-conducted site activities.
assessment of the emissions from the Continental
ATSDR Site-Related Activities
Aluminum Corporation, an aluminum recycling
foundry in New Hudson. The petitioners asked that
Public Health Assessment-Related Activities
the health assessment focus on air, water, and soil
One of the agency's important mandates is to conduct
public health assessments of
all National Priorities List
of chemicals of interest in the waste products from
(NPL) sites and of other sites where a significant threat
the foundry being released to the air directly and
to public health might exist. Eighty-seven sites have
to surface waters and soil indirectly. The letter also
been designated to the NPL in Michigan.
listed concerns about potentially contaminated
locally grown commercial produce, worker safety