Since 1998, ATSDR has provided funds to AOEC to
support a project establishing Pediatric Environmen-
tal Health Specialty Units (PEHSUs) that special-
ize in children's environmental health issues. The
PEHSU for Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska
is the Midwest Regional Pediatric Environmental
Health Center at the University of Iowa in Iowa
City. The center provides information and outreach
about pediatric, public health, and environmental
health issues to health care providers, educators,
communities, and families in the four states it serves.
Resource Materials
ATSDR develops materials that public health profes-
sionals and medical care providers can use to assess
the public health impacts of chemical exposures.
Resources are available in print, on the ATSDR Web
site, and on CD-ROM. For example, medical man-
agement guidelines are available for acute chemi-
cal exposures to more than 40 chemicals. ATSDR's
toxicological profiles comprehensively describe
health effects; pathways of human exposure; and the
behavior of more than 250 hazardous substances in
air, soil, and water at hazardous waste sites. In the
last 5 years, more than 6,000 of these profiles have
been sent to requesters, including representatives of
federal, state, and local health and environmental de-
partments; academic institutions; private industries;
and nonprofit organizations in Iowa. ATSDR has
also developed extensive resources for community
For more information, contact ATSDR toll-free
at 1-888-42ATSDR (1-888-422-8737) or visit the
ATSDR Web page at
August 2003