A health consultation is a written or oral response
from ATSDR to a specific request for information
VOCs, at concentrations that would result in a
about health risks related to a specific site, chemical
substantial health hazard. However, the depth
release, or hazardous material. It is a more limited
response than a public health assessment is. To date,
unless any future on-site excavation is done.
279 documented health consultations have been
Air quality monitoring at the apartment
conducted at 83 sites in Iowa. Following are recent
building on the site indicated that contaminant
examples of health consultations conducted in the
concentrations were not at levels sufficient
to cause adverse health effects. Because all
residences were already connected to the local
During preparation of a 1999 health assessment
municipal water supply, no completed current
for IAAP in Middletown, information became
or future exposure pathways exist in relation to
available that radioactive materials may have
ingestion of contaminated water at this site.
been used or processed at IAAP. A health
An exposure investigation collects information on
consultation released in March 2001 addressed
specific human exposures through biologic sampling,
the possible presence of radioactive materials
personal monitoring, related environmental assess-
at the plant. To assess this possibility, the U.S.
ment, and exposure-dose reconstruction. Since 1998,
Army provided ATSDR with documents prepared
ATSDR staff members have conducted three expo-
during the time that portions of IAAP were under
sure investigations in Iowa. A recent example of such
the control of the Atomic Energy Commission.
an investigation follows:
The health consultation concluded that
Third Avenue Mercury--Two homes on Third
the presence of radioactive materials and
Avenue in Council Bluffs were affected by
the incomplete characterization of these
mercury leaking from a disconnected pressure
materials meant that additional environmental
release system of an
antiquated steam-heating
characterization was needed. Levels of
furnace system in one of the homes. Mercury
was released from the disconnected system on
exceeded current clean-up standards, but because
the second floor down to the first floor and to
insufficient information on health effects was
the basement for approximately 12 months.
available, no determination as to the impact on
Persons living in a second home nearby had spent
public health could be made.
considerable time in the first home and had often
Iowa City Former Manufactured Gas
exchanged household items with residents of the
Plant (FMGP)--In February 2002, a health
first home. To examine the extent to which these
residents were exposed to mercury, the Iowa
consultation was released that evaluated
Department of Public Health (IDPH) initiated
FMGP in Iowa City posed a current hazard
an exposure investigation, which was released in
to public health. FGMP was a former coal
August 2000. Blood or urine samples, or both,
gas production facility; the site was also used
were collected from all but one occupant of the
for a utility company storage area and a bus
two homes. These samples showed no elevated
garage. Contaminants of concern at FGMP
mercury levels.
were polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs),
Health Education and Community Activities
VOCs, inorganic compounds used in the coal
gas manufacturing process, lead, arsenic, and
agreement program since 1989. Under this program,
possibly cyanide. The 2002 health consultation
IDPH has received funding and technical assistance
concluded that contamination at FMGP posed no
for the development of community education
apparent public health hazard.
and activities associated with human exposure
Surface soils from the site did not reveal any
to hazardous substances in the environment. The
levels of contamination that should be of health
state has conducted grand rounds presentations and
concern. Subsurface soils contained high levels
contacted physicians by letter about specific health